documentationfor yFiles for HTML 2.6

Usages of SnapResult


snapResultsin SnapContextGets the collection of SnapResults.
NULL_RESULTin SnapResultGets a SnapResult representing that there is no snapping of the x or y coordinate.

Method Return Values

createSnapResultsModelManager (CanvasComponent)in SnapContextHelper method that creates the a CollectionModelManager<T> that can be used to present the current SnapResults in the provided CanvasComponent.
createLabelSnapResult (ILabelModelParameter, number, Point, Object, SnapLine, Point, Object)in SnapResultFactory method that creates a SnapResult to which a ILabel will snap, based on the given snapLine.
createPointSnapResult (Point, number, Object, IVisualCreator, SnapTypes)in SnapResultFactory method that creates a SnapResult that snaps to a given location.
createResizeSnapResult (number, Point, Object, IEnumerable<IRectangle>, number, boolean)in SnapResultFactory method that creates a SnapResult which snaps to a given size through a resize operation.
createSnapLineSnapResult (number, Point, Object, SnapLine, Point, Object, SnapTypes?)in SnapResultFactory method that creates a SnapResult which represents a SnapLine to which the current moved item will potentially snap.

Method Parameters

CollectSnapResultsEventArgs (IInputModeContext, Point, Point, number, number, ICollection<SnapResult>)in CollectSnapResultsEventArgsCreates a new instance of the event arguments using the provided values for initialization.
addSnapResult (SnapResult)in CollectSnapResultsEventArgsAdds a SnapResult to the collection of snap results.
processSnapResults (List<SnapResult>, Point, Point)in SnapContextChooses the current SnapResults from a temporary list.