documentationfor yFiles for HTML 2.6

Usages of SnapPolicy

Method Return Values

from (SnapPolicy)in SnapPolicyConverts the argument to SnapPolicy.

Method Parameters

snapToGrid (IInputModeContext, T, IMutablePoint, SnapPolicy, SnapPolicy)in GridConstraintProvider
create ()in IBendGridConstraintProviderCreates an implementation of the interface IBendGridConstraintProvider from the given definition.
create ()in IGridConstraintProviderCreates an implementation of the interface IGridConstraintProvider<T> from the given definition.
snapToGrid (IInputModeContext, T, IMutablePoint, SnapPolicy, SnapPolicy)in IGridConstraintProviderPerforms the actual snapping to grid coordinates.
create ()in ILabelGridConstraintProviderCreates an implementation of the interface ILabelGridConstraintProvider from the given definition.
create ()in ILabelOwnerGridConstraintProviderCreates an implementation of the interface ILabelOwnerGridConstraintProvider from the given definition.
create ()in INodeGridConstraintProviderCreates an implementation of the interface INodeGridConstraintProvider from the given definition.
create ()in IPortGridConstraintProviderCreates an implementation of the interface IPortGridConstraintProvider from the given definition.
addGridSnapResultCore (GraphSnapContext, CollectSnapResultsEventArgs, Point, INode, GridSnapTypes, SnapPolicy, SnapPolicy)in NodeSnapResultProviderCalculates a SnapResult and adds it to the argument.
from (SnapPolicy)in SnapPolicyConverts the argument to SnapPolicy.