documentationfor yFiles for HTML 2.6


snapTypein SnapLineGets the type of the line that describes how other items will snap to this line.

Method Return Values

from (SnapLineSnapTypes)in SnapLineSnapTypesConverts the argument to SnapLineSnapTypes.

Method Parameters

getAdditionalSnapLines (SnapLineOrientation, SnapLineSnapTypes, Rect)in GraphSnapContextGets a subset of additionalSnapLines that matches the given orientation, snapType and intersects with the provided area.
getFixedNodeSnapLines (SnapLineOrientation, SnapLineSnapTypes, Rect)in GraphSnapContextGets a subset of fixedNodeSnapLines that matches the given orientation, snapType and intersects with the provided area.
getFixedPortSnapLines (SnapLineOrientation, SnapLineSnapTypes, Rect)in GraphSnapContextGets a subset of fixedPortSnapLines that matches the given orientation, snapType and intersects with the provided area.
getFixedSegmentSnapLines (SnapLineOrientation, SnapLineSnapTypes, Rect)in GraphSnapContextGets a subset of fixedSegmentSnapLines that matches the given orientation, snapType and intersects with the provided area.
NodeBasedSnapLine (INode, SnapLineOrientation, SnapLineSnapTypes, SnapLineVisualizationType, Point, Object, number)in NodeBasedSnapLineInitializes a new instance of the NodeBasedSnapLine class.
NodeBasedSnapLine (INode, SnapLineOrientation, SnapLineSnapTypes, SnapLineVisualizationType, Point, number, number, Object, number)in NodeBasedSnapLineInitializes a new instance of the NodeBasedSnapLine class.
NodePairBasedSnapLine (INode, INode, SnapLineOrientation, SnapLineSnapTypes, SnapLineVisualizationType, Point, Object, number)in NodePairBasedSnapLineInitializes a new instance of the NodePairBasedSnapLine class.
NodePairBasedSnapLine (INode, INode, SnapLineOrientation, SnapLineSnapTypes, SnapLineVisualizationType, Point, number, number, Object, number)in NodePairBasedSnapLineInitializes a new instance of the NodePairBasedSnapLine class.
addGridLineSnapResult (GraphSnapContext, CollectSnapResultsEventArgs, INode, SnapLineSnapTypes, IPoint, Point, Point, number, number, Point, SnapTypes)in NodeReshapeSnapResultProviderAdds a snap result for a location that snaps to a grid line.
OrthogonalSnapLine (SnapLineOrientation, SnapLineSnapTypes, SnapLineVisualizationType, Point, Object, number)in OrthogonalSnapLineCreates a new snap line using the provided attributes.
OrthogonalSnapLine (SnapLineOrientation, SnapLineSnapTypes, SnapLineVisualizationType, Point, number, number, Object, number)in OrthogonalSnapLineCreates a new snap line using the provided attributes.
PointBasedSnapLine (IPoint, SnapLineOrientation, SnapLineSnapTypes, SnapLineVisualizationType, Point, Object, number)in PointBasedSnapLineInitializes a new instance of the PointBasedSnapLine class.
PointBasedSnapLine (IPoint, SnapLineOrientation, SnapLineSnapTypes, SnapLineVisualizationType, Point, number, number, Object, number)in PointBasedSnapLineInitializes a new instance of the PointBasedSnapLine class.
SnapLine (SnapLineSnapTypes, SnapLineVisualizationType, Point, Point, Point, Object, number)in SnapLineCreates a new snap line using the provided attributes.
from (SnapLineSnapTypes)in SnapLineSnapTypesConverts the argument to SnapLineSnapTypes.