documentationfor yFiles for HTML 2.6

Usages of SnapLine


snapLinesin LabelSnapContextGets the collection of the snap lines that have been added to this context.

Method Return Values

getSnapLines (GraphSnapContext, CollectSnapResultsEventArgs, INode, ReshapeRectangleContext, Rect)in NodeReshapeSnapResultProviderHelper method for method collectSnapLineResults that gets all the SnapLine that should be checked for the currently moved node.

Method Parameters

CollectLabelSnapLineEventArgs (IInputModeContext, ICollection<SnapLine>)in CollectLabelSnapLineEventArgsCreates a new instance of this class.
addSnapLine (SnapLine)in LabelSnapContextAdds the given snapLine to the snap line collection of this context.
createLabelSnapResult (ILabelModelParameter, number, Point, Object, SnapLine, Point, Object)in SnapResultFactory method that creates a SnapResult to which a ILabel will snap, based on the given snapLine.
createSnapLineSnapResult (number, Point, Object, SnapLine, Point, Object, SnapTypes?)in SnapResultFactory method that creates a SnapResult which represents a SnapLine to which the current moved item will potentially snap.

Extending Types

EdgeSegmentSnapLineA specialized SnapLine that is parallel to an edge segment and stores that edge.
OrthogonalSnapLineAn orthogonal snap line, in other words, one that is parallel to the x or y axis.