documentationfor yFiles for HTML 2.6

Method Return Values

getSegmentOrientation (IInputModeContext, IEdge, number)in IOrthogonalEdgeHelperGets the declared orientation of the given segment at the provided edge.
getSegmentOrientation (IEdge, number)in OrthogonalEdgeEditingContextGets the declared segment orientation for the provided segment at the given edge.
getSegmentOrientation (IInputModeContext, IEdge, number)in OrthogonalEdgeHelperGets the orientation of the given segment by looking at the geometry of the segment.
from (SegmentOrientation)in SegmentOrientationConverts the argument to SegmentOrientation.

Method Parameters

prepareOrthogonalEdge (IGraph, IEdge, IListEnumerable<SegmentOrientation>, IListEnumerable<MovementInfo>)in OrthogonalEdgeEditingContextHelper method that inspects and prepares an orthogonal edge for the upcoming edit process.
from (SegmentOrientation)in SegmentOrientationConverts the argument to SegmentOrientation.