documentationfor yFiles for HTML 2.6


horizontalScrollBarPolicyin CanvasComponentGets or sets the visibility policy for the horizontal scrollbar.
verticalScrollBarPolicyin CanvasComponentGets or sets the visibility policy for the vertical scrollbar.
scrollBarVisibilityin ViewportAnimationGets or sets the scroll bar visibility that will be used during the animation.

Method Return Values

from (ScrollBarVisibility)in ScrollBarVisibilityConverts the argument to ScrollBarVisibility.

Method Parameters

GraphComponent (HTMLDivElement, )in GraphComponentCreates a new instance of the GraphComponent in the given div element.
GraphComponent ()in GraphComponentCreates a new instance of the GraphComponent.
GraphComponent (string, )in GraphComponentCreates a new instance of GraphComponent using the div element that is specified by the selector.
from (ScrollBarVisibility)in ScrollBarVisibilityConverts the argument to ScrollBarVisibility.
ViewportAnimation (CanvasComponent, Rect, TimeSpan?, )in ViewportAnimationCreates a new instance of ViewportAnimation.