documentationfor yFiles for HTML 2.6

Method Return Values

placeSubtreeOfNode (YNode, ParentConnectorDirection)in AssistantNodePlacerArranges the local root relative to the subtree shape of its children.
placeSubtreeOfNode (YNode, ParentConnectorDirection)in BusNodePlacerPlaces all children of the local root below and above a bus segment that is shared by the edges.
placeSubtreeOfNode (YNode, ParentConnectorDirection)in DelegatingNodePlacerArranges the local root relative to the subtree shape of its children.
placeSubtreeOfNode (YNode, ParentConnectorDirection)in DoubleLineNodePlacerPlaces the children of the given local root alternating in two horizontal lines.
placeSubtreeOfNode (YNode, ParentConnectorDirection)in FreeNodePlacerMerges the rotated shapes of the given local root and its children and routes the edges between them.
placeSubtreeOfNode (YNode, ParentConnectorDirection)in GridNodePlacerPlaces the children of a local root node in a grid.
placeSubtreeOfNode (YNode, ParentConnectorDirection)in LayeredNodePlacerPlaces the children of local root in layers.
placeSubtreeOfNode (YNode, ParentConnectorDirection)in LeftRightNodePlacerPlaces the subtree shapes of the children left and right of a common vertical bus.
getNodeShape (YNode)in RotatableNodePlacerBaseReturns the rotated subtree shape for the given node.
getSubtreeShape (YNode)in RotatableNodePlacerBaseReturns the rotated subtree shape for the subtree rooted at the given node.
placeSubtreeOfNode (YNode, ParentConnectorDirection)in RotatableNodePlacerBaseArranges the local root relative to the rotated subtree shapes of its children.
placeSubtreeOfNode (YNode, ParentConnectorDirection)in SimpleNodePlacerPlaces the children of the local root node in a single row.

Method Parameters

placeParentHorizontal (RotatedSubtreeShape, IList<Object>, Rectangle2D, number)in RootNodeAlignmentMoves the shape of the local root to a suitable position relative to the children's shapes.