documentationfor yFiles for HTML 2.6

Usages of RootPlacement


rootPlacementin AspectRatioTreeLayoutGets or sets the desired placement of the tree's root node.
rootPlacementsin AspectRatioTreeLayoutDataGets or sets the mapping from nodes with sub trees to their placements.


ROOT_PLACEMENT_DP_KEYin AspectRatioTreeLayoutA data provider key for specifying the placement of each subtree root.

Method Return Values

getRootPlacement (Object)in AspectRatioTreeLayoutRetrieves the root placement for the subtree that is rooted at the given node.
from (RootPlacement)in RootPlacementConverts the argument to RootPlacement.

Method Parameters

AspectRatioTreeLayout ()in AspectRatioTreeLayoutCreates a new AspectRatioTreeLayout instance with default settings.
createBends (IEdgeLayout, YNode, YNode, RootPlacement, SubtreeArrangement)in AspectRatioTreeLayoutAdds bends to the given IEdgeLayout.
AspectRatioTreeLayoutData ()in AspectRatioTreeLayoutDataCreates a new instance of AspectRatioTreeLayoutData which helps configuring AspectRatioTreeLayout.
from (RootPlacement)in RootPlacementConverts the argument to RootPlacement.