documentationfor yFiles for HTML 2.6

Usages of RenderModes


renderModein HandleInputModeGets or sets the mode used to render the handles.
renderModein GraphOverviewComponentGets or sets the rendering technology used to draw the graph items in the overview component.
renderModein GridVisualCreatorGets or sets the mode used to render the grid.

Method Return Values

from (RenderModes)in RenderModesConverts the argument to RenderModes.

Method Parameters

HandleInputMode ()in HandleInputModeCreates a new mode with no handles initially.
GraphOverviewComponent (HTMLDivElement, GraphComponent?, )in GraphOverviewComponentCreates a new instance of GraphOverviewComponent using the div element that is optionally bound to the provided graphComponent.
GraphOverviewComponent (GraphComponent?, )in GraphOverviewComponentCreates a new instance that is optionally bound to the provided graphComponent.
GraphOverviewComponent (string, GraphComponent?, )in GraphOverviewComponentCreates a new instance of GraphOverviewComponent using the div element that is specified by the selector and that is optionally bound to the provided graphComponent.
from (RenderModes)in RenderModesConverts the argument to RenderModes.