documentationfor yFiles for HTML 2.6

Usages of Rect


boundsin IOrientedRectangleDetermines the bounds of an oriented rectangle.
rectanglein MarqueeSelectionEventArgsGets the current selection rectangle of the MarqueeSelectionInputMode.
selectionRectanglein MarqueeSelectionInputModeGets the current or last marquee selection rectangle.
initialBoundsin ReshapeRectangleContextGets the initial bounds of the node.
boundsin ITemplateStyleBindingContextGets or sets the bounds of the visual.
contentRectin CanvasComponentGets and sets the Rectangle in world coordinates that holds the contents.
viewportin CanvasComponentGets the smallest rectangle in world coordinates that encompasses the visible viewing region.
clipin IRenderContextGets the clipping rectangle in world coordinates.
viewBoxin PatternFillGets or sets the SVG view box of this pattern brush.
worldBoundsin SvgExportGets or sets the bounds of the content to export in world coordinates.
targetBoundsin ViewportAnimationGets or sets the target world bounds.
boundsin ViewportLimiterGets or sets the maximal allowed navigable bounds for the viewport.


EMPTYin RectAn empty rectangle.
INFINITEin RectAn infinite rectangle.

Method Return Values

toRect ()in Rectangle2DCreates a Rect from a given Rectangle2D.
toRect ()in YRectangleCreates a Rect from a given YRectangle.
getLayout (TDataItem)in NodeCreatorObtains a Rect to use as layout or null by resolving the layoutProvider and afterwards applying the layoutBindings.
getUpdatedLayout (IGraph, INode, TDataItem)in NodeCreatorResolves the layoutProvider and then applies the layout bindings.
getBounds (number)in GeneralPathGets the bounds of a flattened version the path.
getBounds ()in GeneralPathCalculates the bounds of this path and returns it.
from (Rect)in IRectangleCreates a Rect instance from the given rectangle-like object by performing automatic type conversion.
toRect ()in IRectangleCopies the current values of the rectangle to Rect struct.
add (Point)in RectReturns the union of this rectangle and the given point.
add (Rect, Rect)in RectReturns the union of the given rectangles.
convertFrom (MutableRectangle)in RectPerforms an explicit conversion from MutableRectangle to Rect.
from (Rect)in RectCreates a Rect instance from the given rectangle-like object by performing automatic type conversion.
fromCenter (IPoint, ISize)in RectCreates a new instance given the center of the rectangle and its size.
getEnlarged (Insets)in RectCreates an enlarged instance that is the same as this one but enlarged by the specified insets.
getReduced (Insets)in RectCreates a reduced instance that is the same as this one but reduced by the specified insets.
getTransformed (Matrix)in RectApplies the given transformation matrix to the four corner points and returns the new bounding box that includes all of them.
getTranslated (Point)in RectReturns a translated instance of this which has modified x and y by the given amount.
calculateMinimumEnclosedArea (INode)in GroupingSupportCalculates the minimum area to enclose by the given group node with respect to its IGroupBoundsCalculator.
calculateBounds (IGraph, INode)in IGroupBoundsCalculatorCalculates the bounds of the layout for the given groupNode that is a group node in the graph.
getAbsoluteBounds (INode)in IStripeReturns the layout of stripe in absolute coordinates.
getCellBounds (INode, IColumn, IRow)in ITableCalculates the absolute bounds of a table cell that is determined by column and row
getCellBounds (IColumn, IRow)in ITableCalculates the relative bounds of a table cell that is determined by column and row
constrainNewBounds (IInputModeContext, Rect, Rect)in ConstrainedReshapeHandlerApplies the constraints for the new bounds.
findSameHeightEntries (number, number, number)in GraphSnapContextFinds the entries (Rects) that have been registered using the addSameHeightEntry previously that best match the given constraints.
findSameWidthEntries (number, number, number)in GraphSnapContextFinds the entries (Rects) that have been registered using the addSameWidthEntry previously that best match the given constraints.
getMinimumEnclosedArea (INode)in INodeSizeConstraintProviderReturns the minimum area that needs to be enclosed by the given node.
calculateMarqueeRectangle (Point, Point)in MarqueeSelectionInputModeCalculates the location and size of the marquee rectangle.
getNodeLayout (Point, Size)in NodeDropInputModeCalculates the layout of the new node.
getMinimumEnclosedArea (INode)in NodeSizeConstraintProvider
updateTargetGhostBounds (Rect, StripeReparentPolicy, IStripe)in ReparentStripePositionHandlerUpdates the visualization bounds for the target visualization depending on the provided values.
getPreviewTableLayout (Point, Size)in StripeDropInputModeCalculates the layout of the new table.
getTargetBounds ()in LayoutExecutorCalculate the target bounds to be used for the contentRect as well as the ViewportAnimation after the layout has finished.
getTargetBounds ()in LayoutExecutorAsyncCalculate the target bounds to be used for the contentRect as well as the ViewportAnimation after the layout has finished.
getBounds (ICanvasContext)in ArrowNodeStyleRenderer
getBounds (ICanvasContext)in BevelNodeStyleRendererReturns the layout bounds as an upper bound for the painting bound.
getBounds (ICanvasContext)in BezierEdgeStyleRenderer
getBounds (ICanvasContext)in CollapsibleNodeStyleDecoratorRendererDelegates to the getWrappedStyle and takes the button into account.
getBounds (ICanvasContext)in DefaultLabelStyleRenderer
getBounds (ICanvasContext, IEdge)in EdgeStyleBaseGets the bounds of the visual for the edge in the given context.
getBounds (ICanvasContext)in GeneralPathNodeStyleRenderer
getBounds (ICanvasContext)in GroupNodeStyleRendererReturns the union of the node's layout and area that shows the style's drop shadow.
getBounds (ICanvasContext)in IconLabelStyleRenderer
getBounds (ICanvasContext)in ImageNodeStyleRendererGets the rendering bounds for this style renderer.
getBounds (ICanvasContext, ILabel)in LabelStyleBaseGets the bounds of the visual for the label in the given context.
getBounds (ICanvasContext, INode)in NodeStyleBaseGets the bounds of the visual for the node in the given context.
getBounds (ICanvasContext)in PanelNodeStyleRenderer
getBounds (ICanvasContext)in PathBasedEdgeStyleRenderer
getBounds (ICanvasContext, IPort)in PortStyleBaseReturns the bounds of the visual for the port in the given context.
getBounds (ICanvasContext)in RectangleNodeStyleRendererReturns the layout bounds as an upper bound for the painting bound.
getBounds (ICanvasContext)in ShapeNodeStyleRendererReturns the layout bounds as an upper bound for the painting bound.
getBounds (ICanvasContext)in ShinyPlateNodeStyleRenderer
getBounds (ICanvasContext)in TableNodeStyleRenderer
getBounds (ICanvasContext)in TemplateLabelStyleRenderer
getBounds (ICanvasContext)in TemplateNodeStyleRendererReturns the layout bounds as an upper bound for the painting bound.
getBounds (ICanvasContext)in TemplatePortStyleRenderer
getBounds (ICanvasObject)in CanvasComponentCalculates the bounds for a given canvas object in the scene graph.
getBounds (ICanvasContext)in DefaultPortCandidateDescriptor
getBounds (ICanvasContext)in IBoundsProviderReturns a tight rectangular area where the whole rendering would fit into.
createClip ()in SvgExportReturns a suitable clip to use for the visual for this exporter.
getCurrentBounds (CanvasComponent, Rect)in ViewportLimiterGets the to bounds that should be honored for the upcoming call.
limitViewport (CanvasComponent, Rect, boolean?)in ViewportLimiterInspects the desired or suggested new viewport for the given control and returns a valid viewport to use.

Method Parameters

createNodeCore (IGraph, boolean, INode, Rect, INodeStyle, Object)in NodeCreatorCalled from createNode and performs the actual node creation in the graph.
intersects (Rect, number)in GeneralPathChecks whether this path intersects the given rectangle.
mayIntersectClip (Rect, number)in GeneralPathPerforms a quick test to decide whether this path might intersect the clipping rectangle, provided the path would be rendered using stroke of the given width.
ellipseContains (Rect, Point, number)in GeomUtilitiesChecks whether an ellipse contains the given point.
findEllipseLineIntersection (Rect, Point, Point)in GeomUtilitiesReturns the ellipse/line intersection point for the given point pair.
from (Rect)in IRectangleCreates a Rect instance from the given rectangle-like object by performing automatic type conversion.
getConstrained (Rect)in PointCreate a constrained copy of this instance that lies within the given non-empty rectangle.
add (Rect, Rect)in RectReturns the union of the given rectangles.
convertToMutableRectangle (Rect)in RectPerforms an explicit conversion from Rect to MutableRectangle.
from (Rect)in RectCreates a Rect instance from the given rectangle-like object by performing automatic type conversion.
intersects (Rect)in RectDetermines whether the bounds of this rectangle intersect with the bounds of the specified rectangle.
createGroupNode (INode?, Rect?, INodeStyle?, Object?)in DefaultGraph
createNode (Rect, INodeStyle?, Object?)in DefaultGraph
createNode (INode?, Rect?, INodeStyle?, Object?)in DefaultGraph
onNodeLayoutChanged (INode, Rect)in DefaultGraphCalled after a node layout has changed.
setNodeLayout (INode, Rect)in DefaultGraphSets the layout of the given node to the new values.
createGroupNode (INode?, Rect?, INodeStyle?, Object?)in FilteredGraphWrapper
createNode (INode?, Rect?, INodeStyle?, Object?)in FilteredGraphWrapper
createCanonicalParameter (Rect, IOrientedRectangle, Point?)in FreeNodeLabelModelCreates a parameter instance that anchors the labelLayout relative to the nodeLayout.
createGroupNode (INode?, Rect?, INodeStyle?, Object?)in GraphWrapperBase
createNode (Rect, INodeStyle?, Object?)in GraphWrapperBase
createNode (INode?, Rect?, INodeStyle?, Object?)in GraphWrapperBase
onNodeLayoutChanged (INode, Rect)in GraphWrapperBaseRaises the NodeLayoutChanged event
setNodeLayout (INode, Rect)in GraphWrapperBase
createFolderNode (INode?, Rect?, INodeStyle?, Object?)in IFoldingViewDirectly creates a collapsed node on this instance with the given parameters.
createGroupNode (INode?, Rect?, INodeStyle?, Object?, )in IGraphCreates a new group node using the provided style and layout as a child of parent.
createNode (Rect, INodeStyle?, Object?, )in IGraphCreates and returns a node using the specified values for the initial geometry, style, and tag.
createNode (INode?, Rect?, INodeStyle?, Object?, )in IGraphCreates a new ordinary node as a direct descendant of parent using the given layout and style.
setNodeLayout (INode, Rect)in IGraphSets the layout of the given node to the new value.
cancelReshape (IInputModeContext, Rect)in ConstrainedReshapeHandlerCancels the move operation and calls onCanceled
constrainNewBounds (IInputModeContext, Rect, Rect)in ConstrainedReshapeHandlerApplies the constraints for the new bounds.
handleReshape (IInputModeContext, Rect, Rect)in ConstrainedReshapeHandlerHandles the reshape operation and subsequently calls onReshaped
onCanceled (IInputModeContext, Rect)in ConstrainedReshapeHandlerCalled when the cancelReshape method has been called.
onFinished (IInputModeContext, Rect, Rect)in ConstrainedReshapeHandlerCalled when the reshapeFinished method has been called.
onInitialized (IInputModeContext, Rect)in ConstrainedReshapeHandlerCalled when the initializeReshape method has been called.
onReshaped (IInputModeContext, Rect, Rect)in ConstrainedReshapeHandlerCalled when the handleReshape operation has been performed.
reshapeFinished (IInputModeContext, Rect, Rect)in ConstrainedReshapeHandlerHandles the finish operation and invokes onFinished
setNodeLayout (INode, Rect)in GraphEditorInputModeUpdates the bounds of the node.
marqueeSelect (Rect)in GraphInputModePerforms marquee selection with the given rectangle.
onMarqueeSelect (IInputModeContext, Rect)in GraphInputModePerforms marquee selection with the given rectangle.
onMarqueeSelectItems (IInputModeContext, Rect, IEnumerable<IModelItem>, function(IModelItem):boolean?)in GraphInputModeSelects the given elements in the editor inside the provided marquee-selection rectangle.
addSameHeightEntry (Rect)in GraphSnapContextAdds an entry for the same-height-snapping.
addSameWidthEntry (Rect)in GraphSnapContextAdds an entry for the same-width-snapping.
getAdditionalSnapLines (SnapLineOrientation, SnapLineSnapTypes, Rect)in GraphSnapContextGets a subset of additionalSnapLines that matches the given orientation, snapType and intersects with the provided area.
getFixedNodeSnapLines (SnapLineOrientation, SnapLineSnapTypes, Rect)in GraphSnapContextGets a subset of fixedNodeSnapLines that matches the given orientation, snapType and intersects with the provided area.
getFixedPortSnapLines (SnapLineOrientation, SnapLineSnapTypes, Rect)in GraphSnapContextGets a subset of fixedPortSnapLines that matches the given orientation, snapType and intersects with the provided area.
getFixedSegmentSnapLines (SnapLineOrientation, SnapLineSnapTypes, Rect)in GraphSnapContextGets a subset of fixedSegmentSnapLines that matches the given orientation, snapType and intersects with the provided area.
create ()in IBendSelectionTesterCreates an implementation of the interface IBendSelectionTester from the given definition.
getBendsInBox (IInputModeContext, Rect)in IBendSelectionTesterReturns the bends within the given rectangle.
create (function(IInputModeContext, Rect):boolean)in IMarqueeTestableCreates an implementation of the interface IMarqueeTestable by using the given function as implementation for its isInBox method.
isInBox (IInputModeContext, Rect)in IMarqueeTestableReturns true if the corresponding item is considered to intersect the given rectangular box.
collectSnapResults (GraphSnapContext, CollectSnapResultsEventArgs, Rect, INode)in INodeSnapResultProviderCalled when a node is dragged to add SnapResults for OrthogonalSnapLines to which this node can potentially snap.
create (function(GraphSnapContext, CollectSnapResultsEventArgs, Rect, INode):void)in INodeSnapResultProviderCreates an implementation of the interface INodeSnapResultProvider by using the given function as implementation for its collectSnapResults method.
create ()in IPortSelectionTesterCreates an implementation of the interface IPortSelectionTester from the given definition.
getPortsInBox (IInputModeContext, Rect)in IPortSelectionTesterReturns the ports for the given marquee rectangle.
cancelReshape (IInputModeContext, Rect)in IReshapeHandlerCalled by clients to indicate that the reshaping has been canceled by the user.
create ()in IReshapeHandlerCreates an implementation of the interface IReshapeHandler from the given definition.
handleReshape (IInputModeContext, Rect, Rect)in IReshapeHandlerCalled by clients to indicate that the element has been dragged and its position should be updated.
reshapeFinished (IInputModeContext, Rect, Rect)in IReshapeHandlerCalled by clients to indicate that the reshaping has just been finished.
adjustGroupNodeLocation (boolean, INode, Rect?)in NavigationInputModeAdjust the group node location according to the value of autoGroupNodeAlignmentPolicy.
createNode (IInputModeContext, IGraph, INode, IModelItem, Rect)in NodeDropInputModeCreates the node in the graph after it's been dropped.
addSameSizeSnapResult (GraphSnapContext, CollectSnapResultsEventArgs, INode, SnapLineOrientation, IEnumerable<Rect>, number, Point)in NodeReshapeSnapResultProviderAdds a snap result for "same size" to the collect event argument.
collectGridSnapResults (GraphSnapContext, CollectSnapResultsEventArgs, INode, ReshapeRectangleContext, Rect)in NodeReshapeSnapResultProviderCollects the snap results for the grid.
collectSameSizeSnapResults (GraphSnapContext, CollectSnapResultsEventArgs, INode, ReshapeRectangleContext, Rect)in NodeReshapeSnapResultProviderCollects the snap results that make the node the same size as other elements.
collectSnapLineResults (GraphSnapContext, CollectSnapResultsEventArgs, INode, ReshapeRectangleContext, Rect)in NodeReshapeSnapResultProviderCollects the snap results that makes the node's bounds snap to the fixed node snap lines.
getSnapLines (GraphSnapContext, CollectSnapResultsEventArgs, INode, ReshapeRectangleContext, Rect)in NodeReshapeSnapResultProviderHelper method for method collectSnapLineResults that gets all the SnapLine that should be checked for the currently moved node.
addCenterSnapLines (GraphSnapContext, CollectGraphSnapLinesEventArgs, INode, Rect)in NodeSnapLineProviderCalled by addSnapLines the collect snap lines for the centers of the node.
addFixedNodeBorderSnapLines (GraphSnapContext, CollectGraphSnapLinesEventArgs, INode, Rect)in NodeSnapLineProviderAdds the fixed snap lines around the border of the nodes' layout.
addNodeToNodeSnapLines (GraphSnapContext, CollectGraphSnapLinesEventArgs, INode, Rect)in NodeSnapLineProviderAdds the fixed snap lines around the node for other nodes to snap to using the nodeToNodeDistance.
addNodeToSegmentSnapLines (GraphSnapContext, CollectGraphSnapLinesEventArgs, INode, Rect)in NodeSnapLineProviderAdds the fixed snap lines around the node for edge segments to snap to.
addPortSnapLines (GraphSnapContext, CollectGraphSnapLinesEventArgs, INode, Rect)in NodeSnapLineProviderCalled by addSnapLines the collect snap lines to snap ports to at the provided node.
collectGridSnapResults (GraphSnapContext, CollectSnapResultsEventArgs, Rect, INode)in NodeSnapResultProviderCollects snap results that snap the node to a grid and adds them to the argument.
collectSnapLineSnapResults (GraphSnapContext, CollectSnapResultsEventArgs, Rect, INode)in NodeSnapResultProviderCollects the results for the given layout for all snap lines in question.
collectSnapResults (GraphSnapContext, CollectSnapResultsEventArgs, Rect, INode)in NodeSnapResultProvider
collectSnapResultsForSnapLine (CollectSnapResultsEventArgs, OrthogonalSnapLine, Rect, INode)in NodeSnapResultProviderVerifies whether the node will snap to the given snap line.
determineGesture (IInputModeContext, IPoint, IStripe, StripeSubregion, Rect)in ReparentStripePositionHandlerDetermine the reparent gesture that would result from the given parameters.
updateTargetGhost (IInputModeContext, ICanvasObject, IStripe, StripeReparentPolicy, Rect)in ReparentStripePositionHandlerModifies the target ghost visualization after a drag.
updateTargetGhostBounds (Rect, StripeReparentPolicy, IStripe)in ReparentStripePositionHandlerUpdates the visualization bounds for the target visualization depending on the provided values.
ReshapeRectangleContext (Rect, ISize, ISize, IRectangle, IRectangle, HandlePositions, Point, Point, Size, ReshapePolicy, number)in ReshapeRectangleContextInitializes a new instance of the ReshapeRectangleContext class.
cancelReshape (IInputModeContext, Rect)in TableReshapeHandler
handleReshape (IInputModeContext, Rect, Rect)in TableReshapeHandler
reshapeFinished (IInputModeContext, Rect, Rect)in TableReshapeHandler
createViewportAnimation (Rect)in LayoutExecutorFactory method that creates the animation for the viewport.
createViewportAnimation (Rect)in LayoutExecutorAsyncFactory method that creates the animation for the viewport.
getColumnLayout (ITable, Rect)in TableLayoutConfiguratorReturn the sizes of all leaf rows.
getRowLayout (ITable, Rect)in TableLayoutConfiguratorReturn the sizes of all leaf rows.
isVisible (ICanvasContext, Rect)in ArcEdgeStyleRendererOverridden for performance reasons.
isInBox (IInputModeContext, Rect)in ArrowNodeStyleRenderer
isVisible (ICanvasContext, Rect)in ArrowNodeStyleRenderer
isInBox (IInputModeContext, Rect)in BevelNodeStyleRendererTests the node using the current style for an intersection with the given box.
isVisible (ICanvasContext, Rect)in BevelNodeStyleRendererDetermines visibility by checking for an intersection with the layout.
isVisible (ICanvasContext, Rect)in BezierEdgeStyleRenderer
isVisible (ICanvasContext, Rect)in BridgeEdgeStyleRenderer
isInBox (IInputModeContext, Rect)in CollapsibleNodeStyleDecoratorRendererDelegates to the getWrappedStyle.
isVisible (ICanvasContext, Rect)in CollapsibleNodeStyleDecoratorRendererDelegates to the getWrappedStyle.
isInBox (IInputModeContext, Rect)in DefaultLabelStyleRenderer
isVisible (ICanvasContext, Rect)in DefaultLabelStyleRendererUses the layout to determine whether the clip intersects.
isInBox (IInputModeContext, Rect, IEdge)in EdgeStyleBaseDetermines whether the visualization for the specified edge is included in the marquee selection.
isVisible (ICanvasContext, Rect, IEdge)in EdgeStyleBaseDetermines whether the visualization for the specified edge is visible in the context.
isInBox (IInputModeContext, Rect)in GeneralPathNodeStyleRenderer
isVisible (ICanvasContext, Rect)in GeneralPathNodeStyleRendererDetermines visibility by checking for an intersection with the bounds of the path.
createIconVisual (IRenderContext, boolean, Rect)in GroupNodeStyleRendererCreates the visual representation for the node's collapse/expand icon.
isInBox (IInputModeContext, Rect)in GroupNodeStyleRendererTests the node using the current style for an intersection with the given box.
isVisible (ICanvasContext, Rect)in GroupNodeStyleRendererDetermines visibility by checking for an intersection with the layout.
updateIconVisual (IRenderContext, boolean, Rect, SVGGElement)in GroupNodeStyleRendererUpdates the visual representation for the node's collapse/expand icon previously created by createIconVisual.
isInBox (IInputModeContext, Rect)in IconLabelStyleRenderer
isVisible (ICanvasContext, Rect)in IconLabelStyleRenderer
isInBox (IInputModeContext, Rect)in ImageNodeStyleRendererTries to use the normalizedOutline to perform the marquee intersection analysis, otherwise reverts to default (rectangular) behavior.
isVisible (ICanvasContext, Rect)in ImageNodeStyleRendererDetermines visibility by checking for an intersection with the layout.
isInBox (IInputModeContext, Rect, ILabel)in LabelStyleBaseDetermines whether the visualization for the specified label is included in the marquee selection.
isVisible (ICanvasContext, Rect, ILabel)in LabelStyleBaseDetermines whether the visualization for the specified label is visible in the context.
isInBox (IInputModeContext, Rect, INode)in NodeStyleBaseDetermines whether the visualization for the specified node is included in the marquee selection.
isVisible (ICanvasContext, Rect, INode)in NodeStyleBaseDetermines whether the visualization for the specified node is visible in the context.
isInBox (IInputModeContext, Rect)in PanelNodeStyleRendererTests the node using the current style for an intersection with the given box.
isVisible (ICanvasContext, Rect)in PanelNodeStyleRenderer
isInBox (IInputModeContext, Rect)in PathBasedEdgeStyleRenderer
isVisible (ICanvasContext, Rect)in PathBasedEdgeStyleRendererCalls configure and test the edge using the style for a visible intersection with the clip bounds.
isVisible (ICanvasContext, Rect)in PolylineEdgeStyleRenderer
isInBox (IInputModeContext, Rect, IPort)in PortStyleBaseDetermines whether the visualization for the specified port is included in the marquee selection.
isVisible (ICanvasContext, Rect, IPort)in PortStyleBaseDetermines whether the visualization for the specified port is visible in the context.
isInBox (IInputModeContext, Rect)in RectangleNodeStyleRendererTests the node using the current style for an intersection with the given box.
isVisible (ICanvasContext, Rect)in RectangleNodeStyleRendererDetermines visibility by checking for an intersection with the layout.
isInBox (IInputModeContext, Rect)in ShapeNodeStyleRendererTests the node using the current style for an intersection with the given box.
isVisible (ICanvasContext, Rect)in ShapeNodeStyleRendererDetermines visibility by checking for an intersection with the layout.
isInBox (IInputModeContext, Rect)in ShinyPlateNodeStyleRendererTests the node using the current style for an intersection with the given box.
isVisible (ICanvasContext, Rect)in ShinyPlateNodeStyleRenderer
isInBox (IInputModeContext, Rect)in TableNodeStyleRenderer
isVisible (ICanvasContext, Rect)in TableNodeStyleRenderer
isInBox (IInputModeContext, Rect)in TemplateLabelStyleRenderer
isVisible (ICanvasContext, Rect)in TemplateLabelStyleRendererUses the layout to determine whether the clip intersects.
isInBox (IInputModeContext, Rect)in TemplateNodeStyleRendererTries to use the outline shape to perform the marquee intersection analysis, otherwise reverts to default (rectangular) behavior.
isVisible (ICanvasContext, Rect)in TemplateNodeStyleRendererDetermines visibility by checking for an intersection with the layout.
isInBox (IInputModeContext, Rect)in TemplatePortStyleRenderer
isVisible (ICanvasContext, Rect)in TemplatePortStyleRendererCalls configure and test the port using the style for a visible intersection with the clip bounds.
ensureVisible (Rect, Insets?)in CanvasComponentEnsures that the provided bounds in world coordinates are visible by adjusting the viewport accordingly.
growContentRect (Rect)in CanvasComponentAssures that the content rectangle encompasses the given rectangle.
zoomTo (Rect)in CanvasComponentSets the zoom level and viewport center so that the given rectangle in world coordinates fits the viewport.
zoomToAnimated (Rect)in CanvasComponentTransitions the viewport in an animated fashion to a new zoom level and center so that the given rectangle in world coordinates fits the viewport.
isInBox (IInputModeContext, Rect)in DefaultPortCandidateDescriptor
isVisible (ICanvasContext, Rect)in DefaultPortCandidateDescriptor
GraphComponent (HTMLDivElement, )in GraphComponentCreates a new instance of the GraphComponent in the given div element.
GraphComponent ()in GraphComponentCreates a new instance of the GraphComponent.
GraphComponent (string, )in GraphComponentCreates a new instance of GraphComponent using the div element that is specified by the selector.
create (function(ICanvasContext, Rect):boolean)in IVisibilityTestableCreates an implementation of the interface IVisibilityTestable by using the given function as implementation for its isVisible method.
isVisible (ICanvasContext, Rect)in IVisibilityTestableDetermines whether an element might intersect the visible region for a given context.
create ()in IVisualTemplateCreates an implementation of the interface IVisualTemplate from the given definition.
createVisual (IRenderContext, Rect, Object)in IVisualTemplateThis method is called by the framework to create a SvgVisual with the given bounds.
updateVisual (IRenderContext, SvgVisual, Rect, Object)in IVisualTemplateThis method updates or replaces a previously created SvgVisual to adjust to the changed bounds.
SvgExport (Rect, number?, )in SvgExportCreates a new SvgExport instance for the given world bounds and scale.
ViewportAnimation (CanvasComponent, Rect, TimeSpan?, )in ViewportAnimationCreates a new instance of ViewportAnimation.
ViewportLimiter ()in ViewportLimiterInitializes a new instance of the ViewportLimiter class.
getCurrentBounds (CanvasComponent, Rect)in ViewportLimiterGets the to bounds that should be honored for the upcoming call.
limitViewport (CanvasComponent, Rect, boolean?)in ViewportLimiterInspects the desired or suggested new viewport for the given control and returns a valid viewport to use.