documentationfor yFiles for HTML 2.6

Usages of PartitionCellId


cellIdsin PartitionGridDataGets or sets the mapping from nodes to PartitionCellId using the partition grid as context.


PARTITION_CELL_ID_DP_KEYin PartitionGridA data provider key for storing a set of partition cells for each node.

Method Return Values

createCellId (RowDescriptor, ColumnDescriptor)in PartitionGridCreates a partition cell identifier that represents the cell defined by the given column and row.
createCellId (number, number)in PartitionGridCreates a partition cell identifier that represents the cell defined by the given column and row index.
createCellSpanId (number, number, number, number)in PartitionGridCreates a partition cell identifier that represents a multi-cell spanning multiple columns and rows.
createCellSpanId (ICollection<Object>, ICollection<Object>)in PartitionGridCreates a partition cell identifier that represents a multi-cell spanning multiple columns and rows.
createCellSpanId (RowDescriptor, ColumnDescriptor, RowDescriptor, ColumnDescriptor)in PartitionGridCreates a partition cell identifier that represents a multi-cell spanning multiple columns and rows.
createColumnSpanId (number)in PartitionGridCreates a partition cell identifier that represents a cell spanning a whole column.
createRowSpanId (number)in PartitionGridCreates a partition cell identifier that represents a cell spanning a whole row.
getAssignedCellId (INode)in TableLayoutConfiguratorReturns the PartitionCellId assigned to the node.

Method Parameters

PartitionGridData ()in PartitionGridDataCreates a new instance of PartitionGridData which helps configuring PartitionGrid.