documentationfor yFiles for HTML 2.6


mirrorBorderin PartitionCellBorderGets the type of the border that is on the opposite side of the border defined by this type.


EASTin PartitionCellBorderA type constant that defines the right border of a PartitionCell.
NORTHin PartitionCellBorderA type constant that defines the upper border of a PartitionCell.
SOUTHin PartitionCellBorderA type constant that defines the bottom border of a PartitionCell.
WESTin PartitionCellBorderA type constant that defines the left border of a PartitionCell.

Method Return Values

valueOfEnterDirection (Direction)in PartitionCellBorderReturns the type of the border that is passed through when entering a PartitionCell in the given direction.
valueOfExitDirection (Direction)in PartitionCellBorderReturns the type of the border that is passed through when exiting a PartitionCell in the given direction.
valueOfPortCandidate (PortCandidate)in PartitionCellBorderReturns the type of the border that is defined by the given PortCandidate.
valueOfPortConstraint (PortConstraint)in PartitionCellBorderReturns the type of the border that is defined by the given PortConstraint.

Method Parameters

createBorderInterval (PartitionCellBorder)in PartitionCellReturns an OrthogonalInterval that defines the location, the size and the orientation of the given PartitionCellBorder.