documentationfor yFiles for HTML 2.6

Usages of PartitionCell


cellin CellEntranceGets the partition cell of this CellEntrance instance.
cellin CellSegmentInfoGets the partition cell within which this part of the edge segment lies.
cellin EdgeCellInfoGets the partition cell within which the item is routed.
combinedSourceCellin PathSearchContextGets an artificial partition cell with the size of the bounding box of all source cells of the current path request.
combinedTargetCellin PathSearchContextGets an artificial partition cell with the size of the bounding box of all target cells of the current path request.

Method Return Values

getSourceCell (number)in PathSearchContextReturns the source cell with the given index in the list of all cells that are covered by the source of the current path request.
getTargetCell (number)in PathSearchContextReturns the target cell with the given index in the list of all cells that are covered by the target of the current path request.

Method Parameters

CellEntrance (PartitionCell)in CellEntranceCreates a new CellEntrance instance for a given PartitionCell.
CellSegmentInfo (Object, number, Direction, Interval, Interval, Interval, PartitionCell)in CellSegmentInfoCreates a new CellSegmentInfo instance.
fireCreateCellEvent (PartitionCell)in DynamicObstacleDecompositionNotifies all registered dynamic decomposition listeners that the given partition cell has been created.
fireFinalizeCellEvent (PartitionCell)in DynamicObstacleDecompositionNotifies all registered dynamic decomposition listeners that the given partition cell has been finalized.
fireSubdividedEvent (PartitionCell, IList<Object>)in DynamicObstacleDecompositionNotifies all registered dynamic decomposition listeners of a subdivision of a given partition cell.
fireUnlockCellEvent (PartitionCell)in DynamicObstacleDecompositionNotifies all registered dynamic decomposition listeners that the given partition cell is unlocked again.
getNeighbors (PartitionCell)in DynamicObstacleDecompositionReturns the neighbor partition cells of the given cell.
getObstacles (PartitionCell)in DynamicObstacleDecompositionReturns all Obstacles that cover the given partition cell.
EdgeCellInfo (Object, PartitionCell, OrthogonalInterval, OrthogonalInterval, Direction, Direction, number)in EdgeCellInfoCreates a new EdgeCellInfo instance.
getNeighbors (PartitionCell)in GraphPartitionReturns a list of all PartitionCells that are neighbors of the given cell, i.e., those cells that have a common border segment with the given cell.
getNodes (PartitionCell)in GraphPartitionReturns a list of all YNodes whose bounds intersect or cover the bounds of the given cell.
getObstacles (PartitionCell)in GraphPartitionReturns all Obstacles covering the given PartitionCell by delegating to the corresponding method of the inner partition.
onCellCreated (PartitionCell)in GraphPartitionRe-dispatches the event of the creation of a new PartitionCell to all registered IDecompositionListeners.
onCellFinalized (PartitionCell)in GraphPartitionRe-dispatches the event of having completed the process of subdivisions of a given PartitionCell to all registered IDecompositionListeners.
onCellSubdivided (PartitionCell, IList<Object>)in GraphPartitionRe-dispatches the event of the subdivision of a given PartitionCell into several sub-cells to all registered IDecompositionListeners.
onCellUnlocked (PartitionCell)in GraphPartitionRe-dispatches the event of having unlocked a previously finalized PartitionCell to all registered IDecompositionListeners.
onCellCreated (PartitionCell)in GraphPartitionExtensionAdapter
onCellFinalized (PartitionCell)in GraphPartitionExtensionAdapter
onCellSubdivided (PartitionCell, IList<Object>)in GraphPartitionExtensionAdapter
onCellUnlocked (PartitionCell)in GraphPartitionExtensionAdapter
onCellCreated (PartitionCell)in IDecompositionListenerCallback after the new given PartitionCell has been created.
onCellFinalized (PartitionCell)in IDecompositionListenerCallback after the given PartitionCell has been finalized.
onCellSubdivided (PartitionCell, IList<Object>)in IDecompositionListenerCallback after the given PartitionCell has been subdivided into several sub-cells.
onCellUnlocked (PartitionCell)in IDecompositionListenerCallback after the given PartitionCell has been unlocked.
appendEnterIntervals (CellEntrance, PartitionCell, OrthogonalInterval, IList<Object>, PathSearchContext)in IEnterIntervalCalculatorAppends additional enter intervals to the given list of enter intervals for moving from the partition cell of the current CellEntrance to the neighboring cell.
getObstacles (PartitionCell)in IObstaclePartitionReturns all Obstacles that cover the given PartitionCell.
getNeighbors (PartitionCell)in IPartitionReturns a list of all PartitionCells that are neighbors of the given cell, i.e., those cells that have a common border segment with the given cell.
calculateCosts (CellEntrance, PartitionCell, OrthogonalInterval, EdgeCellInfo, PathSearchContext, number, number)in PathSearchCalculates the costs for moving from the current CellEntrance to the neighboring PartitionCell using different enter intervals.
handleNeighbor (CellEntrance, PartitionCell, PathSearchContext)in PathSearchAdds CellEntrances for every interval through which the neighboring cell can be entered from the current entrance to the queue.
addSourceCell (PartitionCell)in PathSearchContextAdds an additional source cell of the current path request if it is not already contained in the list of source cells.
addTargetCell (PartitionCell)in PathSearchContextAdds an additional target cell of the current path request if it is not already contained in the list of target cells.
isSourceCell (PartitionCell)in PathSearchContextDetermines whether or not the given cell is a source cell of the current path request.
isTargetCell (PartitionCell)in PathSearchContextDetermines whether or not the given cell is a target cell of the current path request.
calculateCosts (CellEntrance, PartitionCell, OrthogonalInterval, EdgeCellInfo, number)in PathSearchExtensionCalculates the costs for entering the given PartitionCell via the given enter OrthogonalInterval.