documentationfor yFiles for HTML 2.6


layoutOrientationin ClearAreaLayoutGets or sets the layout orientation that is considered during the clearing of the area.
layoutOrientationin FillAreaLayoutGets or sets the layout orientation that is considered during the compaction process.
layoutOrientationin PartialLayoutGets or sets the layout orientation that is considered during the placement of partial elements.

Method Return Values

from (PartialLayoutOrientation)in PartialLayoutOrientationConverts the argument to PartialLayoutOrientation.

Method Parameters

ClearAreaLayout ()in ClearAreaLayoutCreates a new instance of ClearAreaLayout with default settings.
FillAreaLayout ()in FillAreaLayoutCreates a new instance of FillAreaLayout with default settings.
from (PartialLayoutOrientation)in PartialLayoutOrientationConverts the argument to PartialLayoutOrientation.
PartialLayout (ILayoutAlgorithm?, )in PartialLayoutCreates a new instance of PartialLayout which uses the specified ILayoutAlgorithm instance as the core layout algorithm.