documentationfor yFiles for HTML 2.6


edgeLayoutDescriptorin OrthogonalLayoutGets or sets the OrthogonalLayoutEdgeLayoutDescriptor instance used for all those edges that do not have a specific layout descriptor assigned.
edgeLayoutDescriptorsin OrthogonalLayoutDataGets or sets the mapping from edges to their OrthogonalLayoutEdgeLayoutDescriptor.


EDGE_LAYOUT_DESCRIPTOR_DP_KEYin OrthogonalLayoutA data provider key for providing layout information for each edge.

Method Return Values

createCopy ()in OrthogonalLayoutEdgeLayoutDescriptorCreates a copy of this OrthogonalLayoutEdgeLayoutDescriptor instance.
createEdgeLayoutDescriptor ()in OrthogonalLayoutReturns a new OrthogonalLayoutEdgeLayoutDescriptor instance that will be used during the various phases of the layout algorithm to determine the drawing details of the edges of the graph.

Method Parameters

OrthogonalLayout ()in OrthogonalLayoutCreates a new OrthogonalLayout instance with default settings.
OrthogonalLayoutData ()in OrthogonalLayoutDataCreates a new instance of OrthogonalLayoutData which helps configuring OrthogonalLayout.