documentationfor yFiles for HTML 2.6

Usages of Obstacle


sourcein PathRequestGets the source obstacle describing the area where this request starts.
targetin PathRequestGets the target obstacle describing the area where this request ends.

Method Return Values

createObstacle (YRectangle, Object)in GraphPartitionCreates and returns a new Obstacle using the given bounds and data.
getObstacle (Object)in GraphPartitionReturns the Obstacle that has been created earlier for the given data object.

Method Parameters

getCellsForObstacle (Obstacle)in DynamicObstacleDecompositionReturns all partition cells that are completely covered by the given Obstacle.
getCellsForObstacle (Obstacle)in IObstaclePartitionReturns all PartitionCells that are completely covered by the given Obstacle.