documentationfor yFiles for HTML 2.6

Usages of NodeCreator


nodeCreatorin AdjacencyNodesSourceGets or sets the NodeCreator<TDataItem> for this source which can be used to adjust the creation behavior.
nodeCreatorin NodesSourceGets or sets the NodeCreator<TDataItem> for this source which can be used to adjust the creation behavior.
nodeCreatorin TreeNodesSourceGets or sets the NodeCreator<TDataItem> for this source which can be used to adjust the creation behavior.

Method Parameters

AdjacencyNodesSource (NodeCreator<TDataItem>, function(TDataItem, Object):Object?)in AdjacencyNodesSourceCreates a new source with the given nodeCreator.
NodesSource (NodeCreator<TDataItem>, function(TDataItem, Object):Object?)in NodesSourceCreates a new source with the given nodeCreator.
TreeNodesSource (NodeCreator<TDataItem>, EdgeCreator<TDataItem>, function(TDataItem, Object):Object?)in TreeNodesSourceCreates a new source with the given nodeCreator and parentEdgeCreator.