documentationfor yFiles for HTML 2.6

Extending Types

CircularLayoutThis layout algorithm arranges graphs in a circular fashion.
CompactDiskLayoutThis layout algorithm arranges a graph on a disk packing the nodes as dense as possible.
SingleCycleLayoutThis layout algorithm places all nodes of a graph on a single cycle.
FamilyTreeLayoutThis layout algorithm arranges genealogical graphs (family trees).
HierarchicLayoutThis layout algorithm arranges graphs in a hierarchic fashion.
HierarchicLayoutCoreThis class arranges graphs in a hierarchic/layered fashion and supports complete re-layout as well as incremental graph layout.
CactusGroupLayoutThis layout algorithm arranges grouped graphs in a recursive structure.
GraphTransformerThis layout algorithm applies geometric transformations to (sub-)graphs.
ClassicOrganicLayoutA layout algorithm that arranges graphs in an organic fashion, using a force-directed drawing approach.
OrganicLayoutThis layout algorithm arranges graphs in an organic fashion.
OrthogonalLayoutThis layout algorithm arranges graphs in an orthogonal fashion.
RadialLayoutThis layout algorithm arranges graphs in a radial fashion.
SeriesParallelLayoutThis layout algorithm arranges series-parallel graphs.
AspectRatioTreeLayoutThe AspectRatioTreeLayout arranges tree graphs in a compact fashion.
BalloonLayoutA tree layout algorithm that arranges the subtrees of the tree in a balloon-like fashion.
ClassicTreeLayoutThis layout algorithm arranges graphs with a tree structure.
TreeLayoutThis layout algorithm arranges graphs with a tree structure.