documentationfor yFiles for HTML 2.6

Usages of MovementInfo


horizontalAnchorin MovementInfoGets or sets the horizontal movement info to which this info is anchored horizontally.
verticalAnchorin MovementInfoGets or sets the vertical movement info to which this info is anchored vertically.

Method Return Values

getMovementInfo (IBend)in GraphSnapContextGets the movement info for the given bend.
getMovementInfo (INode)in GraphSnapContextGets the movement info for the given node.
getMovementInfo (IPort)in GraphSnapContextGets the movement info for the given port.
getMovementInfos (IEdge)in GraphSnapContextGets the movement information for the provided edge.
addImplicitlyMovedBend (MovementInfo)in OrthogonalEdgeEditingContextRegisters the provided bend as being moved implicitly for this edit.
createImplicitlyMovedBendInfo (IBend, MovementInfo, MovementInfo)in OrthogonalEdgeEditingContextCreates or obtains a previously created MovementInfo for the provided implicitly moved bend.
getMovementInfos (IEdge)in OrthogonalEdgeEditingContextGets the movement infos that describe the orthogonal path of the edge.

Method Parameters

addBendToBeMoved (MovementInfo)in GraphSnapContextAdds MovementInfo representing an IBend that will be considered for the next drag gesture.
addEdgeEndToBeMoved (MovementInfo, boolean)in GraphSnapContextAdds MovementInfo representing the end of an IEdge that will be considered for the next drag gesture.
addNodeToBeMoved (MovementInfo)in GraphSnapContextAdds MovementInfo representing an INode that will be considered for the next drag gesture.
addOrthogonalSegment (MovementInfo, MovementInfo)in GraphSnapContextAdds an orthogonally moved segment to this context for which this instance will automatically collect SnapResults and provide a default visualization.
addPortToBeMoved (MovementInfo)in GraphSnapContextAdds MovementInfo representing an IPort that will be considered for the next drag gesture.
collectSnapResults (GraphSnapContext, CollectSnapResultsEventArgs, IListEnumerable<MovementInfo>, IEdge)in IEdgeSnapResultProviderCalled to during the snapping operation whenever snap results are collected.
create (function(GraphSnapContext, CollectSnapResultsEventArgs, IListEnumerable<MovementInfo>, IEdge):void)in IEdgeSnapResultProviderCreates an implementation of the interface IEdgeSnapResultProvider by using the given function as implementation for its collectSnapResults method.
movesHorizontallySynchronizedWith (MovementInfo)in MovementInfoDetermines whether this instances moves synchronized with the provided info.
movesVerticallySynchronizedWith (MovementInfo)in MovementInfoDetermines whether this instances moves synchronized with the provided info.
addExplicitlyMovedBend (MovementInfo)in OrthogonalEdgeEditingContextRegisters the provided bend with this instance so that it will be considered explicitly moved for this edit.
addImplicitlyMovedBend (MovementInfo)in OrthogonalEdgeEditingContextRegisters the provided bend as being moved implicitly for this edit.
addMovedEdgeEnd (MovementInfo, boolean)in OrthogonalEdgeEditingContextRegisters the provided end of the edge with this instance so that it will be considered explicitly moved for this edit.
addMovedPort (MovementInfo)in OrthogonalEdgeEditingContextRegisters the provided port with this instance so that it will be considered explicitly moved for this edit.
createImplicitlyMovedBendInfo (IBend, MovementInfo, MovementInfo)in OrthogonalEdgeEditingContextCreates or obtains a previously created MovementInfo for the provided implicitly moved bend.
prepareOrthogonalEdge (IGraph, IEdge, IListEnumerable<SegmentOrientation>, IListEnumerable<MovementInfo>)in OrthogonalEdgeEditingContextHelper method that inspects and prepares an orthogonal edge for the upcoming edit process.