documentationfor yFiles for HTML 2.6

Usages of MoveInputMode


moveInputModein GraphEditorInputModeGets or sets the MoveInputMode as child mode.
moveUnselectedInputModein GraphEditorInputModeGets or sets the MoveInputMode which handles unselected graph items.
moveInputModein OverviewInputModeGets the MoveInputMode.

Method Return Values

createMoveInputMode ()in GraphEditorInputModeFactory method for the moveInputMode property.
createMoveUnselectedInputMode ()in GraphEditorInputModeFactory method for the moveUnselectedInputMode property.
createMoveInputMode ()in OverviewInputModeFactory method for the moveInputMode property.

Method Parameters

GraphEditorInputMode ()in GraphEditorInputModeCreates a new instance that is not bound to an existing graph or selection, initially.
onMoveInputModeChanged (MoveInputMode, MoveInputMode)in GraphEditorInputModeCalled when the moveInputMode property value changes and after initialization of the property.
onMoveUnselectedInputModeChanged (MoveInputMode, MoveInputMode)in GraphEditorInputModeCalled when the moveUnselectedInputMode property value changes and after initialization of the property.

Extending Types

MoveLabelInputModeAn IInputMode that can be used to drag a ILabel in a GraphComponent.
ReparentStripeInputModeSpecialized input mode that is used to reparent a stripe inside an ITable structure.