documentationfor yFiles for HTML 2.6

Usages of MouseButtons


mouseButtonsin ClickEventArgsGets the mouseButtons that have changed for this event.
activeButtonsin ClickInputModeGets or sets for which button(s) mouse clicks should be processed.
buttonsin MouseEventArgsGets the state of the mouse buttons at the time of the event creation.
changedButtonsin MouseEventArgsGets the mouse buttons that have changed for this event.

Method Return Values

from (MouseButtons)in MouseButtonsConverts the argument to MouseButtons.

Method Parameters

ClickEventArgs (IInputModeContext, Point, ModifierKeys, MouseButtons, number, Event?)in ClickEventArgsInitializes a new instance of the ClickEventArgs class.
ClickInputMode ()in ClickInputModeCreates a new instance of this mode that detects left mouse clicks.
ItemClickedEventArgs (T, IInputModeContext, Point, ModifierKeys?, MouseButtons?, number?)in ItemClickedEventArgsInitializes a new instance of the ItemClickedEventArgs<T> class.
TableItemClickedEventArgs (T, StripeSubregion, INode, IInputModeContext, Point, ModifierKeys, MouseButtons, number)in TableItemClickedEventArgsInitializes a new instance of the TableItemClickedEventArgs<T> class.
from (MouseButtons)in MouseButtonsConverts the argument to MouseButtons.
MouseEventArgs (Event, MouseEventTypes, Point, MouseButtons?, ModifierKeys?, MouseButtons?, ModifierKeys?, number?, number?, number?, number?, MouseWheelDeltaMode?)in MouseEventArgsConstructs a new mouse event argument.