documentationfor yFiles for HTML 2.6

Usages of ModifierKeys


modifiersin ClickEventArgsGets the state of the modifiers at the time of the click.
modifiersin ClickInputModeGets the state of the modifier keys at the time Clicked is invoked.
modifiersin KeyEventArgsGets the modifiers.
changedModifiersin MouseEventArgsGets the modifier keys that have changed for this event.
modifiersin MouseEventArgsGets the state of the modifier keys at the time of the event creation.
changedModifiersin TouchEventArgsGets the modifier keys that have changed for this event.
modifiersin TouchEventArgsGets the state of the modifier keys at the time of the event creation.

Method Return Values

from (ModifierKeys)in ModifierKeysConverts the argument to ModifierKeys.

Method Parameters

ClickEventArgs (IInputModeContext, Point, ModifierKeys, MouseButtons, number, Event?)in ClickEventArgsInitializes a new instance of the ClickEventArgs class.
ItemClickedEventArgs (T, IInputModeContext, Point, ModifierKeys?, MouseButtons?, number?)in ItemClickedEventArgsInitializes a new instance of the ItemClickedEventArgs<T> class.
create (KeyEventType, Key, ModifierKeys?)in KeyEventRecognizersCreates an event recognizer for a given key and type using a given set of modifiers.
createIsDown (Key, ModifierKeys?)in KeyEventRecognizersCreates an event recognizer that matches if the specified keys are currently down.
addKeyBinding (Key, ModifierKeys, ICommand, Object?)in KeyboardInputModeAdds an event handler for a specific key press gesture to this mode.
addKeyBinding (Key, ModifierKeys?, function(ICommand, Object, Object):boolean?, function(ICommand, Object, Object):boolean?)in KeyboardInputModeAdds an event handler for a specific key press gesture to this mode.
TableItemClickedEventArgs (T, StripeSubregion, INode, IInputModeContext, Point, ModifierKeys, MouseButtons, number)in TableItemClickedEventArgsInitializes a new instance of the TableItemClickedEventArgs<T> class.
from (ModifierKeys)in ModifierKeysConverts the argument to ModifierKeys.
MouseEventArgs (Event, MouseEventTypes, Point, MouseButtons?, ModifierKeys?, MouseButtons?, ModifierKeys?, number?, number?, number?, number?, MouseWheelDeltaMode?)in MouseEventArgsConstructs a new mouse event argument.
TouchEventArgs (Event, TouchEventTypes, Point, TouchDevice, ModifierKeys, ModifierKeys)in TouchEventArgsConstructs a new touch event argument.
TouchEventArgs (Event, TouchEventTypes, Point, TouchDevice, ModifierKeys, ModifierKeys, number)in TouchEventArgsConstructs a new touch event argument.