documentationfor yFiles for HTML 2.6

Usages of MirrorModes


mirrorModein PortConstraintOptimizerBaseGets or sets the mirror mask that defines which orientations should be mirrored.
mirrorModein OrientationLayoutGets or sets the mirror mask that defines which orientations this OrientationLayout shall mirror.

Method Return Values

getMirrorMode ()in HierarchicLayoutReturns the mirror mask of the orientation layouter.
from (MirrorModes)in MirrorModesConverts the argument to MirrorModes.

Method Parameters

PortCandidateOptimizer ()in PortCandidateOptimizerCreates a new instance of PortCandidateOptimizer with the default settings.
getOrientedDirection (Direction, LayoutOrientation, MirrorModes)in EdgeLabelOrientationSupportTransforms a direction of the layout to the oriented layout direction.
isOrientationMirrored (LayoutOrientation, MirrorModes)in EdgeLabelOrientationSupportReturns whether or not the orientation is mirrored.
from (MirrorModes)in MirrorModesConverts the argument to MirrorModes.
OrientationLayout (ILayoutAlgorithm?, )in OrientationLayoutCreates a new OrientationLayout instance using the given core layout algorithm.
OrientationLayout (LayoutOrientation, )in OrientationLayoutCreates a new OrientationLayout instance using the given orientation.
getXOffsetForLayoutOrientation (LayoutOrientation, MirrorModes)in PortCandidateReturns the X-offset of the PortCandidate with respect to the center of the corresponding node for the given layout orientation and mirror mask.
getYOffsetForLayoutOrientation (LayoutOrientation, MirrorModes)in PortCandidateReturns the Y-offset of the PortCandidate with respect to the center of the corresponding node for the given layout orientation and mirror mask.