documentationfor yFiles for HTML 2.6

Usages of Matrix


IDENTITYin MatrixGets an unmodifiable identity matrix.
ISOMETRICin MatrixGets an unmodifiable projection matrix that makes the graph look isometric.
projectionin CanvasComponentGets or sets a Matrix that is applied to the viewport.
intermediateTransformin IRenderContextGets a transform that can be added to the transform list of a visual to be displayed in the intermediate coordinate system (which still has the same axes directions as the world coordinate system, but doesn't include the projection).
projectionin IRenderContextGets a transform that is applied to the contents of the clip rectangle.
viewTransformin IRenderContextGets a transform that can be added to the transform list of a visual to be displayed in the view coordinate system.
projectionin SvgExportGets or sets the projection to apply to the exported image.
transformin SvgVisualGroupGets or sets a transform that is applied to the children of the container.

Method Return Values

createTransform ()in IOrientedRectangleCreates a transformation matrix that can be used to transform points that are in the local coordinate system of the oriented rectangle if the top-left corner is the origin.
createRotateInstance (number)in MatrixCreates a matrix rotation instance around the origin.
createLayoutTransform (IRenderContext, IOrientedRectangle, boolean)in LabelStyleBaseCreates a transform matrix that can be applied to a Visual to arrange it according to the given layout and autoFlip rule.
createLayoutTransform (IOrientedRectangle, boolean)in LabelStyleBaseCreates a transform matrix that can be applied to a Visual to arrange it according to the given layout and autoFlip rule.
createWorldToIntermediateTransform ()in SvgExportReturns a suitable transform to use for the visual to paint in the world coordinate system for this export.

Method Parameters

createSvgPath (Matrix?)in GeneralPathCreates an SVG path element using the provided parameters.
createSvgPathData (Matrix?)in GeneralPathCreates the data for a SVG path element that corresponds to this instance with the provided transform.
createTransformedPath (Matrix)in GeneralPathCreates a new GeneralPath that is a copy of this path with all geometry transformed using the supplied matrix.
transform (Matrix)in GeneralPathTransforms this GeneralPath in place using the given transform.
hasSameValue (Matrix)in MatrixDetermines whether this has the same values like other.
multiply (Matrix, MatrixOrder?)in MatrixMultiplies this matrix instance by the given instance using the given order.
set (Matrix)in MatrixSets the values of the given matrix to this instance.
multiply (Matrix)in PointApplies the given matrix to this instance by calling transform and returns the result.
getTransformed (Matrix)in RectApplies the given transformation matrix to the four corner points and returns the new bounding box that includes all of them.
GraphComponent (HTMLDivElement, )in GraphComponentCreates a new instance of the GraphComponent in the given div element.
GraphComponent ()in GraphComponentCreates a new instance of the GraphComponent.
GraphComponent (string, )in GraphComponentCreates a new instance of GraphComponent using the div element that is specified by the selector.
SvgExport (Rect, number?, )in SvgExportCreates a new SvgExport instance for the given world bounds and scale.