documentationfor yFiles for HTML 2.6

Usages of MapperMetadata


mapperMetadatain MapperOutputHandlerGets or sets the mapper metadata to serialize to the key definition.

Method Return Values

getMapperMetadata (Object)in IMapperRegistryGets the mapper meta data for the mapper that is registered using the tag.
create (Class, Class, IMapper<TKey,TValue>)in MapperMetadataCreates an instance for the specified mapper.
getMapperMetadata (Object)in MapperRegistry

Method Parameters

setMapperMetadata (Object, MapperMetadata)in IMapperRegistrySets the mapper meta data for the mapper that has been registered using the provided tag.
MapperMetadata (MapperMetadata)in MapperMetadataInitializes a new instance of the MapperMetadata from the given instance class.
setMapperMetadata (Object, MapperMetadata)in MapperRegistry