documentationfor yFiles for HTML 2.6

Usages of MapEntry


entriesin MapperGets an enumerable over all entries in this (dictionary based) mapper.
entriesin CreationPropertiesGets all the entries stored by this instance.

Method Parameters

createHashMap (ICollection<MapEntry<K,V>>?)in MapsFactory method that creates a IMap<TKey,TValue> that is a special hash map implementation mainly used by the layout algorithms.
Map ()in HashMapCreates a new instance.
add (MapEntry<TKey,TValue>)in HashMap
copyTo (MapEntry<TKey,TValue>, number)in HashMap
includes (MapEntry<TKey,TValue>)in HashMap
remove (MapEntry<TKey,TValue>)in HashMap

Implementing Types

ResultItemMappingRepresents a mapping from keys to values that is part of a result of running a graph analysis algorithm.
IMapA collection of value objects which are mapped to key objects and can be queried using their keys.
HashMapThe default implementation for IMap<TKey,TValue>.