documentationfor yFiles for HTML 2.6

Usages of List


dashesin DashStyleGets or sets the pattern of dashes and gaps.
gradientStopsin LinearGradientGets or sets the gradient stops of this brush.
gradientStopsin RadialGradientGets or sets the gradient stops of this brush.

Method Return Values

toList ()in IEnumerableCreates a List<T> with the values of this enumerable.
copyWithin (number, number?, number?)in ListShallow copies part of this list to another location in the same list and returns it.
fill (T, number?, number?)in ListFills the elements in this list from the start to the end index with value.
from (IEnumerable<TSource>, function(TSource, number, IEnumerable<TSource>):T?, Object?)in ListCreates a new list similar in behavior to Array.from().
fromArray (T)in ListCreates a new list with the given array used as the live backing store.
slice (number?, number?)in ListReturns a shallow copy of a portion of this list in the form of a new and independent list.
splice (number, number?, T)in ListAlters the contents of this list like JavaScript's Array.splice() method.

Method Parameters

processSnapResults (List<SnapResult>, Point, Point)in SnapContextChooses the current SnapResults from a temporary list.