documentationfor yFiles for HTML 2.6


layoutOrientationin PortConstraintOptimizerBaseGets or sets the layout orientation.
layoutOrientationin MultiStageLayoutGets or sets the main orientation of the layout.
orientationin OrientationLayoutGets or sets the main direction of the layout.

Method Return Values

from (LayoutOrientation)in LayoutOrientationConverts the argument to LayoutOrientation.

Method Parameters

CircularLayout ()in CircularLayoutCreates a new CircularLayout instance with the default settings.
CompactDiskLayout ()in CompactDiskLayoutCreates a new CompactDiskLayout instance with the default settings.
SingleCycleLayout ()in SingleCycleLayoutCreates a new SingleCycleLayout instance with default settings.
FamilyTreeLayout ()in FamilyTreeLayoutCreates a new instance of FamilyTreeLayout with default settings.
HierarchicLayout ()in HierarchicLayoutCreates a new HierarchicLayout instance with the default settings.
HierarchicLayoutCore ()in HierarchicLayoutCoreCreates a new HierarchicLayoutCore instance with the default settings.
PortCandidateOptimizer ()in PortCandidateOptimizerCreates a new instance of PortCandidateOptimizer with the default settings.
CactusGroupLayout ()in CactusGroupLayoutCreates a new CactusGroupLayout instance with default settings.
getOrientedDirection (Direction, LayoutOrientation, MirrorModes)in EdgeLabelOrientationSupportTransforms a direction of the layout to the oriented layout direction.
isOrientationMirrored (LayoutOrientation, MirrorModes)in EdgeLabelOrientationSupportReturns whether or not the orientation is mirrored.
GraphTransformer ()in GraphTransformerCreates a new instance of GraphTransformer with default settings.
from (LayoutOrientation)in LayoutOrientationConverts the argument to LayoutOrientation.
MultiStageLayout ()in MultiStageLayoutCreates a new MultiStageLayout instance with default settings.
OrientationLayout (LayoutOrientation, )in OrientationLayoutCreates a new OrientationLayout instance using the given orientation.
isOrientationMirrored (LayoutOrientation)in OrientationLayoutReturns whether or not this OrientationLayout instance will mirror the graph for a given layout orientation.
getDirectionForLayoutOrientation (LayoutOrientation)in PortCandidateReturns the direction of this PortCandidate instance with respect to the given layout orientation.
getXOffsetForLayoutOrientation (LayoutOrientation, MirrorModes)in PortCandidateReturns the X-offset of the PortCandidate with respect to the center of the corresponding node for the given layout orientation and mirror mask.
getXOffsetForLayoutOrientation (LayoutOrientation)in PortCandidateReturns the X-offset of the PortCandidate with respect to the center of the corresponding node for the given layout orientation.
getYOffsetForLayoutOrientation (LayoutOrientation, MirrorModes)in PortCandidateReturns the Y-offset of the PortCandidate with respect to the center of the corresponding node for the given layout orientation and mirror mask.
getYOffsetForLayoutOrientation (LayoutOrientation)in PortCandidateReturns the Y-offset of the PortCandidate with respect to the center of the corresponding node for the given layout orientation.
toPortConstraintForLayoutOrientation (LayoutOrientation)in PortCandidateA utility method that converts the current PortCandidate instance to a PortConstraint with respect to the given layout orientation.
ClassicOrganicLayout ()in ClassicOrganicLayoutCreates a new ClassicOrganicLayout with default settings.
OrganicLayout ()in OrganicLayoutCreates a new OrganicLayout instance with default settings.
OrthogonalLayout ()in OrthogonalLayoutCreates a new OrthogonalLayout instance with default settings.
RadialLayout ()in RadialLayoutCreates a new RadialLayout instance with the default settings.
SeriesParallelLayout ()in SeriesParallelLayoutCreates a new SeriesParallelLayout instance with default settings.
AspectRatioTreeLayout ()in AspectRatioTreeLayoutCreates a new AspectRatioTreeLayout instance with default settings.
BalloonLayout ()in BalloonLayoutCreates a new BalloonLayout instance with default settings.
ClassicTreeLayout ()in ClassicTreeLayoutCreates a new ClassicTreeLayout instance with default settings.
TreeLayout ()in TreeLayoutCreates a new TreeLayout instance with default settings.