documentationfor yFiles for HTML 2.6

Usages of LayoutContext

Method Parameters

createConnectorEdge (LayoutContext, YNode, YNode, Object, boolean)in DefaultElementFactory
createConnectorNode (LayoutContext, YList, Object)in DefaultElementFactory
createProxyEdge (LayoutContext, YNode, YNode, Object, Object)in DefaultElementFactory
createProxyNode (LayoutContext, Object)in DefaultElementFactory
createProxyReferenceEdge (LayoutContext, YNode, YNode, Object)in DefaultElementFactory
createProxyReferenceNode (LayoutContext, Object)in DefaultElementFactory
getDefaultNodeSize (LayoutContext, Object, number)in DefaultElementFactoryReturns the default size for nodes created by this factory.
createConnectorEdge (LayoutContext, YNode, YNode, Object, boolean)in IElementFactoryCallback method for creating an edge of type CONNECTOR.
createConnectorNode (LayoutContext, YList, Object)in IElementFactoryCallback method for creating a node of type CONNECTOR.
createProxyEdge (LayoutContext, YNode, YNode, Object, Object)in IElementFactoryCallback method for creating an edge of type PROXY.
createProxyNode (LayoutContext, Object)in IElementFactoryCallback method for creating a node of type PROXY.
createProxyReferenceEdge (LayoutContext, YNode, YNode, Object)in IElementFactoryCallback method for creating an edge of type PROXY_REFERENCE.
createProxyReferenceNode (LayoutContext, Object)in IElementFactoryCallback method for creating a node of type PROXY_REFERENCE.
applyIncrementalLayout (LayoutGraph, IDataProvider, LayoutContext)in MultiPageLayoutThis method is called to further improve the layout results.
removeConnectorPair (YNode, YNode, YList, LayoutContext)in MultiPageLayoutThis method is called during a postprocessing step that reduces the number of connectors.