documentationfor yFiles for HTML 2.6

Method Return Values

addCommandBinding (ICommand, function(ICommand, Object, Object):boolean?, function(ICommand, Object, Object):boolean?)in KeyboardInputModeAdds a command and associated execution handlers to this instance.
addKeyBinding (Key, ModifierKeys, ICommand, Object?)in KeyboardInputModeAdds an event handler for a specific key press gesture to this mode.
addKeyBinding (Key, ModifierKeys?, function(ICommand, Object, Object):boolean?, function(ICommand, Object, Object):boolean?)in KeyboardInputModeAdds an event handler for a specific key press gesture to this mode.
addRecognizerBinding (function(Object, EventArgs):boolean, ICommand, Object?)in KeyboardInputModeAdds a given handler to this instance that will be triggered if the event recognizer recognizes a key event that has been triggered by the CanvasComponent.
addRecognizerBinding (function(Object, EventArgs):boolean, function(ICommand, Object, Object):boolean?, function(ICommand, Object, Object):boolean?)in KeyboardInputModeAdds a given handler to this instance that will be triggered if the event recognizer recognizes a key event that has been triggered by the CanvasComponent.