documentationfor yFiles for HTML 2.6

Usages of KeyScope


scopein QueryOutputHandlersEventArgsGets the scope where the handlers should be added.

Method Return Values

from (KeyScope)in KeyScopeConverts the argument to KeyScope.

Method Parameters

matchesScope (Element, KeyScope)in GraphMLIOHandlerChecks whether the scope attribute in definition matches scope
getOutputHandlers (IWriteContext, KeyScope)in GraphMLWriterDynamically retrieve all IOutputHandler that should be used for the current write process.
from (KeyScope)in KeyScopeConverts the argument to KeyScope.
MapperOutputHandler (Class, Class, KeyScope, string, KeyType)in MapperOutputHandlerInitializes a new instance of the MapperOutputHandler<TKey,TData> class using the provided key scope, the name, and the key type.
OutputHandlerBase (Class, Class, KeyScope, string, KeyType)in OutputHandlerBaseInitializes a new instance of the OutputHandlerBase<TKey,TData> class using the provided scope, name, and type for the key definition.
setKeyDefinitionScope (KeyScope)in OutputHandlerBaseSets the scope for the key definition.
QueryOutputHandlersEventArgs (IWriteContext, KeyScope)in QueryOutputHandlersEventArgsInitializes a new instance of the QueryOutputHandlersEventArgs class.