documentationfor yFiles for HTML 2.6


busesin HierarchicLayoutDataGets or sets the mapping from edges to their bus descriptor which defines the bus structure they belong to.
subcomponentsin HierarchicLayoutDataGets or sets the mapping of nodes to a subcomponent which is arranged by the layout algorithm defined by property layoutAlgorithm.
temporaryGroupsin TemporaryGroupNodeInsertionDataGets or sets the mapping from nodes to a TemporaryGroupDescriptor so that nodes with the same descriptor will be assigned to the same temporarily inserted group node.
busesin EdgeRouterDataGets or sets the mapping from edges to their bus descriptor.

Method Parameters

HierarchicLayoutData ()in HierarchicLayoutDataCreates a new instance of HierarchicLayoutData which helps configuring HierarchicLayout.
TemporaryGroupNodeInsertionData ()in TemporaryGroupNodeInsertionDataCreates a new instance of TemporaryGroupNodeInsertionData which helps configuring TemporaryGroupNodeInsertionStage.
EdgeRouterData ()in EdgeRouterDataCreates a new instance of EdgeRouterData which helps configuring EdgeRouter.