documentationfor yFiles for HTML 2.6

Usages of Insets


insetsin ExteriorLabelModelGets or sets the insets to use by this model.
actualInsetsin IStripeGets the insets that are currently in effect for this stripe.
insetsin IStripeGets the insets for this stripe.
insetsin IStripeDefaultsGets or sets the default insets for a stripe.
accumulatedInsetsin ITableReturn the accumulated insets for the table.
insetsin ITableGets or sets the insets for this table.
insetsin InteriorLabelModelGets or sets the insets to use within the node's layout.
insetsin InteriorStretchLabelModelGets or sets the insets to use within the node's layout.
insetsin StretchStripeLabelModelGets or sets the insets to use within the stripe's layout.
insetsin StripeDefaultsGets or sets the default insets for a stripe.
insetsin Table
contentRectMarginsin GraphEditorInputModeGets or sets the margins to use for updateContentRect in adjustContentRect calls.
insetsin NodeInsetsProviderGets or sets the insets returned by getInsets.
marginsin OverviewInputModeGets and sets the insets in view coordinates that should be used by the updateVisibleArea operation.
textBoxPaddingin TextEditorInputModeGets or sets the padding to use around the editorContainer when it comes near to the viewport borders and needs to be adjusted.
targetBoundsInsetsin LayoutExecutorGets or sets the insets (in world coordinates) that will be added to the content rectangle when calculating the target viewport.
targetBoundsInsetsin LayoutExecutorAsyncGets or sets the insets (in world coordinates) that will be added to the content rectangle when calculating the target viewport.
insetsin CollapsibleNodeStyleDecoratorGets or sets the insets to use for the INodeInsetsProvider that will be reported by the CollapsibleNodeStyleDecoratorRenderer's ILookup.
insetsin DefaultLabelStyleGets or sets the insets for the label.
contentAreaInsetsin GroupNodeStyleGets or sets the content area insets for this style.
wrappedInsetsin IconLabelStyleGets or sets the insets that should be applied for the layout of the wrapped style rendering.
paddingin IndicatorLabelStyleDecoratorGets or sets the padding the label layout is increased by.
paddingin IndicatorNodeStyleDecoratorGets or sets the padding the node layout is increased by.
labelStyleInsetsin NodeStyleLabelStyleAdapterGets or sets the insets to apply for the labelStyle as margins.
insetsin PanelNodeStyleGets or sets the instance to use that provides the insets for this style.
insetsin ShinyPlateNodeStyleGets or sets the instance to use that provides the insets for this style.
insetsin TemplateNodeStyleBaseGets or sets the insets the INodeInsetsProvider implementation for INode should yield for this instance.
autoDragInsetsin CanvasComponentGets or sets the auto drag insets.
contentMarginsin CanvasComponentGets and sets the insets in view coordinates that should be used by the fitContent operation or zoom commands which zoom to a given rectangle.
marginsin LabelStyleDecorationInstallerGets or sets the margins around the label layout.
marginsin NodeStyleDecorationInstallerGets or sets the margins around the node layout.
marginsin SvgExportGets or sets the margins for the exported image.
targetViewMarginsin ViewportAnimationGets or sets the margins in view coordinate dimensions to use at the target zoom level.


EMPTYin InsetsThe "empty" insets that has all properties set to 0.0d.

Method Return Values

toInsets ()in YInsetsCreates a Insets from a given YInsets.
createUnion (Insets)in InsetsCalculates the union of this insets and the given inset which is done by performing Math.max on all four inset values.
divide (Insets, number)in InsetsDevides each side of the insets by the given factor.
from (Insets)in InsetsCreates a Insets instance from the given insets-like object by performing automatic type conversion.
getEnlarged (Insets)in InsetsCreates an enlarged instance by adding the insets of the specified insets to this instance and returning the result.
getReduced (Insets)in InsetsCreates a reduced instance by subtracting the insets of the specified insets to this instance and returning the result.
multiply (Insets, number)in InsetsMultiplies each side of the insets by the given factor and returns the result.
getNodeInsets (ILabel, ILabelModelParameter)in InteriorLabelModelReturns the insets this model would require for the node owner of the label if the given label was used with the provided parameter.
getNodeInsets (ILabel, ILabelModelParameter)in InteriorStretchLabelModelReturns the insets this model would require for the node owner of the label if the the given label was used with the provided parameter.
getInsets (INode)in INodeInsetsProviderReturns the insets for the given node.
getInsets (INode)in NodeInsetsProvider
getContentAreaInsets ()in GroupNodeStyleRendererGets the content area insets that are currently used by this renderer.
getWrappedStyleInsets ()in IconLabelStyleRendererRetrieves the wrappedInsets from the style.
getInsets (TemplateNodeStyleBase)in TemplateNodeStyleRendererGets the insets by delegating to insets.

Method Parameters

getEnlarged (Insets)in IOrientedRectangleCreates an enlarged instance that is the same as this one but enlarged by the specified padding.
createUnion (Insets)in InsetsCalculates the union of this insets and the given inset which is done by performing Math.max on all four inset values.
divide (Insets, number)in InsetsDevides each side of the insets by the given factor.
from (Insets)in InsetsCreates a Insets instance from the given insets-like object by performing automatic type conversion.
getEnlarged (Insets)in InsetsCreates an enlarged instance by adding the insets of the specified insets to this instance and returning the result.
getReduced (Insets)in InsetsCreates a reduced instance by subtracting the insets of the specified insets to this instance and returning the result.
multiply (Insets, number)in InsetsMultiplies each side of the insets by the given factor and returns the result.
getEnlarged (Insets)in RectCreates an enlarged instance that is the same as this one but enlarged by the specified insets.
getReduced (Insets)in RectCreates a reduced instance that is the same as this one but reduced by the specified insets.
ExteriorLabelModel ()in ExteriorLabelModelCreates a new instance of this model
applyLayout (ILayoutAlgorithm, LayoutData?, boolean?, boolean?, boolean?, boolean?, boolean?, boolean?, PortAdjustmentPolicy?, ItemMapping<ILabel,PortLabelPolicy>?, Insets?, LabelPreferredPlacementPolicy?)in IGraphRuns an ILayoutAlgorithm synchronously on the given graph.
createChildColumn (IColumn, number?, number?, Insets?, IStripeStyle?, Object?, number?, )in ITableCreate a new column as the indexth child of owner with the given parameters.
createChildRow (IRow, number?, number?, Insets?, IStripeStyle?, Object?, number?, )in ITableCreate a new row as the indexth child of owner with the given parameters.
createColumn (number?, number?, Insets?, IStripeStyle?, Object?, number?)in ITableCreates and returns a column as last child of table.
createRow (number?, number?, Insets?, IStripeStyle?, Object?, number?)in ITableCreates and returns a row as last child of table.
setStripeInsets (IStripe, Insets)in ITableSets the insets of stripe.
InteriorLabelModel ()in InteriorLabelModelCreates a new instance of this model with empty insets.
InteriorStretchLabelModel ()in InteriorStretchLabelModelCreates a new instance of this model with empty insets.
StretchStripeLabelModel ()in StretchStripeLabelModelCreates a new instance of this model with empty insets.
StripeDefaults ()in StripeDefaultsDefault constructor
Table ()in TableDefault constructor that creates an empty table
createChildColumn (IColumn, number?, number?, Insets?, IStripeStyle?, Object?, number?)in Table
createChildRow (IRow, number?, number?, Insets?, IStripeStyle?, Object?, number?)in Table
setStripeInsets (IStripe, Insets)in Table
GraphEditorInputMode ()in GraphEditorInputModeCreates a new instance that is not bound to an existing graph or selection, initially.
NodeInsetsProvider (Insets)in NodeInsetsProviderCreates a new instance using the provided insets.
OverviewInputMode ()in OverviewInputModeCreates a new instance.
TextEditorInputMode (HTMLDivElement?, )in TextEditorInputModeCreates a new instance using a default text box or the provided editor.
LayoutExecutor (GraphComponent, ILayoutAlgorithm, )in LayoutExecutorInitializes a new instance of the LayoutExecutor class.
LayoutExecutor (GraphComponent, IGraph, ILayoutAlgorithm, )in LayoutExecutorInitializes a new instance of the LayoutExecutor class.
LayoutExecutorAsync (function(Object):Promise<Object>, GraphComponent, LayoutDescriptor?, LayoutData?, )in LayoutExecutorAsyncCreates a new instance of a layout execution helper that will asynchronously perform the calculations and optionally animate the layout on the given graphComponent.
CollapsibleNodeStyleDecorator (INodeStyle?, CollapsibleNodeStyleDecoratorRenderer?, )in CollapsibleNodeStyleDecoratorInitializes a new instance of the CollapsibleNodeStyleDecorator class using the provided style for the wrapped property and the provided CollapsibleNodeStyleDecoratorRenderer as renderer.
DefaultLabelStyle ()in DefaultLabelStyleCreates a new instance using DefaultLabelStyleRenderer as renderer.
DefaultLabelStyle (ILabelStyleRenderer, )in DefaultLabelStyleCreates a new instance using the provided renderer.
GroupNodeStyle (GroupNodeStyleRenderer?, )in GroupNodeStyleInitializes a new instance using the given renderer.
IconLabelStyle (string?, ILabelStyleRenderer?, )in IconLabelStyleCreates a new instance using the provided icon and renderer.
IndicatorLabelStyleDecorator (ILabelStyle?, )in IndicatorLabelStyleDecoratorCreates a new instance wrapping the provided style.
IndicatorNodeStyleDecorator (INodeStyle?, )in IndicatorNodeStyleDecoratorCreates a new instance wrapping the provided style.
MarkupLabelStyle ()in MarkupLabelStyleCreates a new instance using MarkupLabelStyleRenderer as renderer.
MarkupLabelStyle (ILabelStyleRenderer, )in MarkupLabelStyleCreates a new instance using the provided renderer.
NodeStyleLabelStyleAdapter (INodeStyle?, ILabelStyle?, )in NodeStyleLabelStyleAdapterCreates a label style that uses the provided node style to render the background and the label style to render the foreground of this style.
PanelNodeStyle (PanelNodeStyleRenderer?, )in PanelNodeStyleCreates a new instance using the provided renderer to share.
ShinyPlateNodeStyle (ShinyPlateNodeStyleRenderer?, )in ShinyPlateNodeStyleCreates a new instance using the provided renderer.
StringTemplateNodeStyle (string?, TemplateNodeStyleRenderer?, )in StringTemplateNodeStyleCreates a new instance using the given SVG template and a custom renderer instance.
TemplateNodeStyle (string?, TemplateNodeStyleRenderer?, )in TemplateNodeStyleCreates a new instance using the given render template id and a custom renderer instance.
ensureVisible (Rect, Insets?)in CanvasComponentEnsures that the provided bounds in world coordinates are visible by adjusting the viewport accordingly.
ensureVisible (IEnumerable<Point>, Insets?)in CanvasComponentEnsures that the provided points in world coordinates are all visible by adjusting the viewport accordingly.
updateContentRect (Insets?, ICanvasObjectGroup?)in CanvasComponentUpdates the contentRect to encompass the bounds by all elements in the current scene graph plus the given margins.
GraphComponent (HTMLDivElement, )in GraphComponentCreates a new instance of the GraphComponent in the given div element.
GraphComponent ()in GraphComponentCreates a new instance of the GraphComponent.
GraphComponent (string, )in GraphComponentCreates a new instance of GraphComponent using the div element that is specified by the selector.
fitGraphBounds (Insets?, boolean?)in GraphComponentUpdates the content rectangle for the contentGroup considering the provided insets and adjusts the viewport to encompass the contents.
morphLayout (ILayoutAlgorithm, TimeSpan?, LayoutData?, boolean?, boolean?, boolean?, boolean?, boolean?, boolean?, boolean?, boolean?, boolean?, PortAdjustmentPolicy?, ItemMapping<ILabel,PortLabelPolicy>?, Insets?, LabelPreferredPlacementPolicy?)in GraphComponentRuns a layout on the graph of the GraphComponent and animates the transition.
LabelStyleDecorationInstaller ()in LabelStyleDecorationInstallerCreate a new instance of this class.
NodeStyleDecorationInstaller ()in NodeStyleDecorationInstallerCreate a new instance of this class.
SvgExport (Rect, number?, )in SvgExportCreates a new SvgExport instance for the given world bounds and scale.
ViewportAnimation (CanvasComponent, Rect, TimeSpan?, )in ViewportAnimationCreates a new instance of ViewportAnimation.