documentationfor yFiles for HTML 2.6

Usages of IXmlWriter


writerin ChildWriteContextGets or sets the writer.
writerin HandleSerializationEventArgsGets the writer for writing the xml output.
writerin IWriteContextGets the current IXmlWriter implementation.

Method Return Values

createXMLWriter ()in GraphMLIOHandlerFactory method that creates and configures a suitable IXmlWriter implementation.
writeAttribute (string, string)in IXmlWriterWrite an XML attribute with the given parameters.
writeAttributeNS (string, string, string, string)in IXmlWriterWrites a XML attribute node.
writeCData (string)in IXmlWriterWrites a CDATA section.
writeComment (string)in IXmlWriterWrites a XML comment node
writeDocumentFragment (Document)in IXmlWriterWrites a document fragment
writeEndElement ()in IXmlWriterCloses a XML element previously opened with writeStartElement or writeStartElement.
writeGraphMLXmlAttribute (GraphMLXmlAttribute)in IXmlWriterWrite an XML attribute from the given attribute struct.
writeProcessingInstruction (string, string)in IXmlWriterWrites a xml processing instruction.
writeStartDocument ()in IXmlWriterBegins the output process
writeStartElement (string, string, string)in IXmlWriterBegins a new XML element with given parameters
writeStartElement (string, string)in IXmlWriterBegin a new XML element with given parameters
writeString (string)in IXmlWriterWrites a text node.
writeAttributeNS (string, string, string, string)in XmlWriter
writeCData (string)in XmlWriter
writeComment (string)in XmlWriter
writeDocumentFragment (Document)in XmlWriter
writeEndElement ()in XmlWriter
writeProcessingInstruction (string, string)in XmlWriter
writeStartDocument ()in XmlWriter
writeStartElement (string, string, string)in XmlWriter
writeStartElement (string, string)in XmlWriter
writeString (string)in XmlWriter

Method Parameters

configureXMLWriter (IXmlWriter)in GraphMLIOHandlerConfigure writer.
createWriteContext (IGraph, IXmlWriter)in GraphMLWriterCreate the initial IWriteContext instance.
write (IGraph, IXmlWriter)in GraphMLWriterWrite the GraphML representation of graph, using writer for the actual XML generation.

Implementing Types

XmlWriterDefault implementation of IXmlWriter.