documentationfor yFiles for HTML 2.6

Usages of IWriteContext


parentContextin ChildWriteContextGets the parent context to which most calls are delegated.
contextin HandleSerializationEventArgsGets the context to be used for writing.
contextin QueryNameEventArgsGets the context in which the type shall mapped.
contextin QueryOutputHandlersEventArgsGets the context for which the handlers are queried.
contextin QueryReferenceIdEventArgsGets the current write context that can be used by the event handler for additional information.
contextin WriteEventArgsGets the context that is being used for writing.

Method Return Values

createWriteContext (IGraph, IXmlWriter)in GraphMLWriterCreate the initial IWriteContext instance.

Method Parameters

ChildWriteContext (IWriteContext, Object)in ChildWriteContextInitializes a new instance of the ChildWriteContext class that delegates to the provided context and returns the given value in getCurrent.
ChildWriteContext (IWriteContext)in ChildWriteContextInitializes a new instance of the ChildWriteContext class that delegates to the given parent context.
serializeCore (Class, IWriteContext, T)in ChildWriteContext
GraphMLWriteValueSerializerContext (IWriteContext)in GraphMLWriteValueSerializerContextCreates a new instance that wraps context
getOutputHandlers (IWriteContext, KeyScope)in GraphMLWriterDynamically retrieve all IOutputHandler that should be used for the current write process.
serialize (Class, IWriteContext, T)in GraphMLWriterSerialize item.
HandleSerializationEventArgs (IWriteContext, Object, Class?)in HandleSerializationEventArgsInitializes a new instance of the HandleSerializationEventArgs class using the provided context to write the item using the given type for serialization.
getEdgeId (IWriteContext, IEdge)in IGraphElementIdProviderGet an ID for the specified edge object
getGraphId (IWriteContext, IGraph)in IGraphElementIdProviderGet an ID for the specified graph object
getNodeId (IWriteContext, INode)in IGraphElementIdProviderGet an ID for the specified node object
getPortId (IWriteContext, IPort)in IGraphElementIdProviderGet an ID for the specified port object
canConvert (IWriteContext, Object)in IMarkupExtensionConverterReturns if the converter can convert the value to a MarkupExtension in the current write context.
convert (IWriteContext, Object)in IMarkupExtensionConverterConverts the value to a MarkupExtension using the current write context.
isDefaultValue (IWriteContext)in IOutputHandlerDetermines whether in the current context, the value is the default value and therefore no data element needs to be written.
writeKeyDefinitionContent (IWriteContext)in IOutputHandlerWrites the contents of the key definition.
writeValue (IWriteContext)in IOutputHandlerActually writes the value for the current context.
create ()in IReferenceHandlerCreates an implementation of the interface IReferenceHandler from the given definition.
getHandle (IWriteContext, Object)in IReferenceHandlerGets the reference handle for a given subject.
markAsUnshared (IWriteContext, Object)in IReferenceHandlerUnregister a shared resource.
registerResource (IWriteContext, Object)in IReferenceHandlerRegister a shared resource.
serializeCore (Class, IWriteContext, T)in IWriteContextSerialize item to an XML representation.
getNameForClass (IWriteContext, Class)in IXamlNameMapperReturns the XML tag name that belongs to type type
getValue (IWriteContext, TKey)in MapperOutputHandlerObtains the data for the given key.
writeKeyDefinitionContent (IWriteContext)in MapperOutputHandlerWrites the contents of the key definition.
writeValueCore (IWriteContext, TData)in MapperOutputHandlerPerforms the actual writing of the data using either the serializer or the serializeCore method.
getValue (IWriteContext, TKey)in OutputHandlerBaseObtains the data for the given key.
isDefaultValue (IWriteContext)in OutputHandlerBaseDetermines whether in the current context, the value is the default value and therefore no data element needs to be written.
writeKeyDefinitionContent (IWriteContext)in OutputHandlerBaseWrites the contents of the key definition.
writeValue (IWriteContext)in OutputHandlerBaseActually writes the value for the current context.
writeValueCore (IWriteContext, TData)in OutputHandlerBasePerforms the actual writing of the data.
QueryNameEventArgs (IWriteContext, Class)in QueryNameEventArgsInitializes a new instance of the QueryNameEventArgs class.
QueryOutputHandlersEventArgs (IWriteContext, KeyScope)in QueryOutputHandlersEventArgsInitializes a new instance of the QueryOutputHandlersEventArgs class.
QueryReferenceIdEventArgs (IWriteContext, Object)in QueryReferenceIdEventArgsCreates a new instance.
WriteEventArgs (IWriteContext, Object)in WriteEventArgsInitializes a new instance of the WriteEventArgs class.
serialize (IWriteContext, Object)in XamlSerializerSerialize the given object to a IXmlWriter

Implementing Types

ChildWriteContextAn IWriteContext implementation for use in the context of GraphMLWriter that wraps a given instance and delegates most of the calls to it but allows for modifying lookup and serialization properties.