documentationfor yFiles for HTML 2.6

Method Return Values

createDefaultValueSerializerContext ()in GraphMLIOHandlerCreates the default value serializer context and returns it.

Method Parameters

canConvertFromString (string, IValueSerializerContext)in ValueSerializerDetermines whether this instance can convert the specified value from the given string.
canConvertToString (Object, IValueSerializerContext)in ValueSerializerDetermines whether this instance can convert the specified value to a string.
convertFromString (string, IValueSerializerContext)in ValueSerializerConverts the string to an appropriate instance.
convertToString (Object, IValueSerializerContext)in ValueSerializerConverts the given value to string.
getSerializerFor (Property, IValueSerializerContext)in ValueSerializerGets the ValueSerializer implementation for the given descriptor.
getSerializerFor (Class, IValueSerializerContext)in ValueSerializerGets the ValueSerializer implementation for the given type.

Implementing Types

GraphMLParseValueSerializerContextSpecial implementation of IValueSerializerContext that should be used in a GraphML parse context.
GraphMLWriteValueSerializerContextSpecial implementation of IValueSerializerContext that should be used in a GraphML write context.