documentationfor yFiles for HTML 2.6

Usages of ITable


tablein IStripeGets the ITable instance where this stripe is installed.
tablein StripeEventArgsGets the table that owned the stripe before the event happened.
tablein TableReshapeHandlerGets the table used for additional constraints.
tablein TableNodeStyleGets or sets the ITable instance that defines the tabular structure.

Method Return Values

createPreviewTable ()in StripeDropInputModeCreate a preview version of the table that is temporarily used to show the dragged stripe.
getAssociatedTable (INode)in TableLayoutConfiguratorReturns the ITable the node belongs to.
copyTable (ITable)in TableNodeStyleCreate a copy of the table when this style instance is cloned
getTable ()in TableNodeStyleRendererGets the table object that should be used for rendering.

Method Parameters

StripeEventArgs (IStripe, IStripe, ITable)in StripeEventArgsInitializes a new instance of the StripeEventArgs class.
onStripeChanged (IStripe, IStripe, ITable)in TableCalled after a stripe has changed.
TableDecorator (ITable)in TableDecoratorInitializes a new instance of the TableDecorator class.
StripeHitTester (ITable, TableRenderingOrder)in StripeHitTesterCreate a new instance for a specific table instance that use the order specified by tableRenderingOrder to determine the order of the hit test results.
TableReshapeHandler (IReshapeHandler, INode, ITable)in TableReshapeHandlerCreates a new instance of this Handler which wraps an existing instance of coreHandler and uses table for additional constraints.
getColumnLayout (ITable, Rect)in TableLayoutConfiguratorReturn the sizes of all leaf rows.
getRowLayout (ITable, Rect)in TableLayoutConfiguratorReturn the sizes of all leaf rows.
getTableNode (ITable)in TableLayoutConfiguratorReturns the INode which provides the table in its lookup.
TableNodeStyle (ITable?, TableNodeStyleRenderer?, )in TableNodeStyleConstructor with a custom renderer implementation that uses table as backing table model.
copyTable (ITable)in TableNodeStyleCreate a copy of the table when this style instance is cloned
createTableAnimation (ITable, number, number)in IAnimationCreates a new IAnimation for the given table that animates the table and its stripes.
TableAnimation (ITable, number, number)in TableAnimationInitializes a new instance of the TableAnimation class for the given table, the column widths, and row heights.

Implementing Types

TableDefault implementation of the ITable interface.