documentationfor yFiles for HTML 2.6

Usages of IStripeStyle


stylein IStripeGets the style for this stripe.
stylein IStripeDefaultsGets or sets the style to use for stripes.
stylein StripeDefaults

Method Return Values

getStyleInstance ()in IStripeDefaultsFactory method that returns a style instance for use with newly created stripes.
getStyleInstance ()in StripeDefaults

Method Parameters

createChildColumn (IColumn, number?, number?, Insets?, IStripeStyle?, Object?, number?, )in ITableCreate a new column as the indexth child of owner with the given parameters.
createChildRow (IRow, number?, number?, Insets?, IStripeStyle?, Object?, number?, )in ITableCreate a new row as the indexth child of owner with the given parameters.
createColumn (number?, number?, Insets?, IStripeStyle?, Object?, number?)in ITableCreates and returns a column as last child of table.
createRow (number?, number?, Insets?, IStripeStyle?, Object?, number?)in ITableCreates and returns a row as last child of table.
setStyle (IStripe, IStripeStyle)in ITableSets the style of stripe.
StripeDefaults ()in StripeDefaultsDefault constructor
createChildColumn (IColumn, number?, number?, Insets?, IStripeStyle?, Object?, number?)in Table
createChildRow (IRow, number?, number?, Insets?, IStripeStyle?, Object?, number?)in Table
setStyle (IStripe, IStripeStyle)in Table
getContext (IStripe, IStripeStyle)in IStripeStyleRendererGets a temporary context instance that can be used to query additional information for the stripe's style.
getVisualCreator (IStripe, IStripeStyle)in IStripeStyleRendererGets an implementation of the IVisualCreator interface that can handle the provided stripe and its associated style.
getContext (IStripe, IStripeStyle)in TemplateStripeStyleRendererConfigures the style and stripe parameters, does not call configure and returns this.
getVisualCreator (IStripe, IStripeStyle)in TemplateStripeStyleRendererConfigures the style and stripe parameters, calls configure and returns this.
getContext (IStripe, IStripeStyle)in VoidStripeStyleRendererYields the EMPTY that will not yield anything.
getVisualCreator (IStripe, IStripeStyle)in VoidStripeStyleRendererYields the INSTANCE that will do nothing.

Implementing Types

NodeStyleStripeStyleAdapterA stripe style decorator that uses a node style instance to render the stripe.
StripeStyleBaseAn abstract base class that makes it possible to easily implement a custom IStripeStyle.
TemplateStripeStyleBaseBase class for stripe styles that use a SVG snippet as template for the visualization of IStripes.
VoidStripeStyleA void implementation of a stripe style that does nothing and behaves like an invisible style.