documentationfor yFiles for HTML 2.6

Usages of IStripeDefaults


columnDefaultsin ITableGets or sets the defaults for Columns.
rowDefaultsin ITableGets or sets the defaults for rows.
columnDefaultsin TableGets or sets the defaults for Columns.
rowDefaultsin TableGets or sets the defaults for rows.

Method Return Values

copyDefaults (IStripeDefaults)in TableCalled during clone to create a copy of originalDefaults
createColumnDefaults ()in TableCreates the Column defaults.
createRowDefaults ()in TableCreates the row defaults.

Method Parameters

Table ()in TableDefault constructor that creates an empty table
copyDefaults (IStripeDefaults)in TableCalled during clone to create a copy of originalDefaults

Implementing Types

StripeDefaultsA canonical implementation of the IStripeDefaults interface.