documentationfor yFiles for HTML 2.6

Usages of IShapeGeometry


shapeGeometryDecoratorin NodeDecoratorGets a LookupDecorator<TDecoratedType,TInterface> that decorates the IShapeGeometry type for the INodes this instance has been created for.

Method Return Values

getShapeGeometry (INode, INodeStyle)in ArrowNodeStyleRendererConfigures the style and node properties, calls configure and returns this.
getShapeGeometry (INode, INodeStyle)in BevelNodeStyleRendererConfigures the style and node properties, calls configure and returns this.
getShapeGeometry (INode, INodeStyle)in CollapsibleNodeStyleDecoratorRendererConfigures the style and node properties, calls configure and returns this.
getNodeGeometry (INode)in DefaultEdgePathCropperReturns the geometry that is used to crop the edge at the node outline.
getPortGeometry (IPort)in DefaultEdgePathCropperReturns the geometry that is used to crop the edge at the port outline if cropAtPort is set to true.
getShapeGeometry (INode, INodeStyle)in GeneralPathNodeStyleRendererConfigures the style and node properties, calls configure and returns this.
getShapeGeometry (INode, INodeStyle)in GroupNodeStyleRendererConfigures the style and node properties, calls configure and returns this.
getShapeGeometry (INode, INodeStyle)in INodeStyleRendererGets an implementation of the IShapeGeometry interface that can handle the provided node and its associated style.
create ()in IShapeGeometryCreates an implementation of the interface IShapeGeometry from the given definition.
getShapeGeometry (INode, INodeStyle)in ImageNodeStyleRendererConfigures the style and node properties, calls configure and returns this.
getShapeGeometry (INode, INodeStyle)in PanelNodeStyleRendererConfigures the style and node properties, calls configure and returns this.
getShapeGeometry (INode, INodeStyle)in RectangleNodeStyleRendererConfigures the style and node properties, calls configure and returns this.
getShapeGeometry (INode, INodeStyle)in ShapeNodeStyleRendererConfigures the style and node properties, calls configure and returns this.
getShapeGeometry (INode, INodeStyle)in ShinyPlateNodeStyleRendererConfigures the style and node properties, calls configure and returns this.
getShapeGeometry (INode, INodeStyle)in TableNodeStyleRenderer
getShapeGeometry (INode, INodeStyle)in TemplateNodeStyleRendererProvides the geometry for the visual representation.
getShapeGeometry (INode, INodeStyle)in VoidNodeStyleRendererThis implementation always returns the VoidShapeGeometry instance.

Method Parameters

getIntersection (INode, IShapeGeometry, IEdge, Point, Point)in DefaultEdgePathCropperFinds the intersection between a node and the edge.
isInside (Point, INode, IShapeGeometry, IEdge)in DefaultEdgePathCropperChecks whether a given point is inside a node's shape geometry with respect to the edge that is being calculated.

Implementing Types

ArrowNodeStyleRendererDefault renderer implementation that can be used for ArrowNodeStyle instances.
BevelNodeStyleRendererA INodeStyle renderer implementation that draws a rounded rectangle with a bevel border in a 'shiny plate' fashion.
CollapsibleNodeStyleDecoratorRendererINodeStyleRenderer implementation that can be used in conjunction with CollapsibleNodeStyleDecorator instances.
GeneralPathNodeStyleRendererAn INodeStyleRenderer implementation that can handle GeneralPathNodeStyle instances.
GroupNodeStyleRendererDefault renderer implementation for GroupNodeStyle instances.
ImageNodeStyleRendererA style renderer implementation that can be used together with ImageNodeStyle instances.
PanelNodeStyleRendererA INodeStyle renderer implementation that draws a floating panel with a slight gradient, a thin border and a drop shadow.
RectangleNodeStyleRendererDefault renderer implementation that can be used for RectangleNodeStyle instances.
ShapeNodeStyleRendererDefault renderer implementation that can be used for ShapeNodeStyle instances.
ShinyPlateNodeStyleRendererA INodeStyle renderer implementation that draws a floating shiny plate with a slight gradient, a thin border and a simple drop shadow.
TableNodeStyleRendererDefault renderer implementation that can be used for TableNodeStyle instances.
TemplateNodeStyleRendererAn implementation of the INodeStyleRenderer interface that can render TemplateNodeStyleBase instances.
VoidShapeGeometryA void implementation of the IShapeGeometry interface that does nothing and behaves like an empty geometry.