documentationfor yFiles for HTML 2.6


defaultPortAssignmentin SeriesParallelLayoutGets or sets the default ISeriesParallelLayoutPortAssignment used for those nodes that do not have their own specific instance.
portAssignmentsin SeriesParallelLayoutDataGets or sets the mapping from nodes to their ISeriesParallelLayoutPortAssignment.


PORT_ASSIGNMENT_DP_KEYin SeriesParallelLayoutA data provider key for providing an individual port distribution at nodes.

Method Parameters

SeriesParallelLayout ()in SeriesParallelLayoutCreates a new SeriesParallelLayout instance with default settings.
SeriesParallelLayoutData ()in SeriesParallelLayoutDataCreates a new instance of SeriesParallelLayoutData which helps configuring SeriesParallelLayout.

Implementing Types

DefaultSeriesParallelLayoutPortAssignmentDefaultSeriesParallelLayoutPortAssignment implements the default port assignment strategy.