documentationfor yFiles for HTML 2.6

Usages of ISequencer


fixedElementsSequencerin HierarchicLayoutGets or sets the ISequencer instance that calculates the sequence of the fixed nodes during the incremental layout run.
fromScratchSequencerin HierarchicLayoutGets or sets the ISequencer instance that calculates the node sequence if the layout algorithm runs in From Scratch mode.
sequencerin HierarchicLayoutCoreGets or sets the ISequencer instance responsible for calculating the sequence of nodes within each layer (second phase of the layout algorithm).

Method Return Values

createSequencer ()in HierarchicLayoutCoreFactory method that is called lazily upon first usage by sequencer if the given ISequencer instance is null.
createSubgraphLayerSequencer ()in HierarchicLayoutCoreFactory method called during applyLayoutCore and creates a ISequencer implementation that can sequence subgraphs incrementally.

Method Parameters

HierarchicLayout ()in HierarchicLayoutCreates a new HierarchicLayout instance with the default settings.
HierarchicLayoutCore ()in HierarchicLayoutCoreCreates a new HierarchicLayoutCore instance with the default settings.

Implementing Types

AsIsSequencerThis class calculates the sequence of the nodes within each layer using the nodes' coordinates.
DefaultLayerSequencerThis class is a ISequencer implementation that performs the second phase of the Sugiyama algorithm.
GivenSequenceSequencerThis class is a ISequencer implementation that determines the sequence of nodes of the same layer based on a given comparator constraint.