documentationfor yFiles for HTML 2.6

Usages of ISelectionModel


selectionin SelectionEventArgsGets the selection these event arguments refer to.
selectionModelin LayoutExecutorGets or sets the ISelectionModel<T> to use for the automatically registered IDataProvider instances for AFFECTED_NODES_DP_KEY and AFFECTED_EDGES_DP_KEY.
selectionModelin LayoutExecutorAsyncGets or sets the ISelectionModel<T> to use for the automatically registered IDataProvider instances for AFFECTED_NODES_DP_KEY and AFFECTED_EDGES_DP_KEY.
selectionModelin LayoutGraphAdapterGets or sets the ISelectionModel<T> to use for the automatically registered IDataProvider instances for the keys AFFECTED_NODES_DP_KEY and AFFECTED_EDGES_DP_KEY.
selectedBendsin GraphSelection
selectedEdgesin GraphSelection
selectedLabelsin GraphSelection
selectedNodesin GraphSelection
selectedPortsin GraphSelection
selectionModelin HighlightIndicatorManagerGets or sets the item collection that determines which items are highlighted.
selectedBendsin IGraphSelectionGets an ISelectionModel<T> of the selected bends.
selectedEdgesin IGraphSelectionGets an ISelectionModel<T> of the selected edges.
selectedLabelsin IGraphSelectionGets an ISelectionModel<T> of the selected labels.
selectedNodesin IGraphSelectionGets an ISelectionModel<T> of the selected nodes.
selectedPortsin IGraphSelectionGets an ISelectionModel<T> of the selected ports.
selectedColumnsin IStripeSelectionGets an ISelectionModel<T> of the selected columns.
selectedRowsin IStripeSelectionGets an ISelectionModel<T> of the selected rows.
selectionModelin SelectionIndicatorManagerGets or sets the selection model that determines which items are selected.
selectedColumnsin StripeSelection
selectedRowsin StripeSelection

Method Parameters

SelectionEventArgs (IInputModeContext, ISelectionModel<T>)in SelectionEventArgsCreates a new instance.
LayoutExecutor (GraphComponent, ILayoutAlgorithm, )in LayoutExecutorInitializes a new instance of the LayoutExecutor class.
LayoutExecutor (GraphComponent, IGraph, ILayoutAlgorithm, )in LayoutExecutorInitializes a new instance of the LayoutExecutor class.
LayoutExecutorAsync (function(Object):Promise<Object>, GraphComponent, LayoutDescriptor?, LayoutData?, )in LayoutExecutorAsyncCreates a new instance of a layout execution helper that will asynchronously perform the calculations and optionally animate the layout on the given graphComponent.
LayoutExecutorAsync (function(Object):Promise<Object>, IGraph, LayoutDescriptor?, LayoutData?, )in LayoutExecutorAsyncCreates a new instance of a layout execution helper that will asynchronously perform the calculations and apply the results on the provided graph.
LayoutGraphAdapter (IGraph?, ISelectionModel<IModelItem>?, )in LayoutGraphAdapterCreates the adapter using a given IGraph and ISelectionModel<T>.
GraphHighlightIndicatorManager ()in GraphHighlightIndicatorManagerCreates a new instance.
GraphSelectionIndicatorManager ()in GraphSelectionIndicatorManagerCreates a new instance that for all selected items in the model dynamically installs a selection indicator visualization.

Implementing Types

DefaultSelectionModelDefault implementation of an ISelectionModel<T> that is based on an observable collection to hold the selected elements.
IGraphSelectionManages the selection state of items in an IGraph instance.
IStripeSelectionManages the selection state of items in an ITable instance.