documentationfor yFiles for HTML 2.6

Usages of IRenderContext


contextin PrepareRenderContextEventArgsGets or sets the context.

Method Return Values

createRenderContext ()in CanvasComponentCreates an appropriate render context that can be used to create visuals using IVisualCreator implementations.
createRenderContext (CanvasComponent)in SvgExportReturns an initialized IRenderContext and changes the given transform and the clip bounds such that a part of the given CanvasComponent instance can be exported to an image.

Method Parameters

createVisual (IRenderContext, IHandle)in HandleInputModeCreates the Visual for the given handle, if renderMode is set to SVG.
createVisual (IRenderContext)in ArrowNodeStyleRenderer
updateVisual (IRenderContext, Visual)in ArrowNodeStyleRenderer
createVisual (IRenderContext)in BevelNodeStyleRenderer
updateVisual (IRenderContext, Visual)in BevelNodeStyleRenderer
addToggleExpansionStateCommand (SvgVisual, INode, IRenderContext)in CollapsibleNodeStyleDecoratorRendererAdds the toggle expansion state command to the given button visual.
createButton (IRenderContext, boolean, Size)in CollapsibleNodeStyleDecoratorRendererCreates the button visual.
createVisual (IRenderContext)in CollapsibleNodeStyleDecoratorRendererCreates the visual for the given context.
updateButton (IRenderContext, boolean, Size, Visual)in CollapsibleNodeStyleDecoratorRendererUpdates the button visual.
updateVisual (IRenderContext, Visual)in CollapsibleNodeStyleDecoratorRenderer
createVisual (IRenderContext)in DefaultLabelStyleRenderer
updateVisual (IRenderContext, Visual)in DefaultLabelStyleRenderer
addArrows (IRenderContext, SVGGElement, IEdge, GeneralPath, IArrow, IArrow)in EdgeStyleBaseAdds the arrows to a given container.
createVisual (IRenderContext, IEdge)in EdgeStyleBaseCreates the visual.
updateArrows (IRenderContext, SVGGElement, IEdge, GeneralPath, IArrow, IArrow)in EdgeStyleBaseUpdates the arrows in a given container.
updateVisual (IRenderContext, TVisual, IEdge)in EdgeStyleBaseUpdates the visual previously created by createVisual.
createVisual (IRenderContext)in GeneralPathNodeStyleRenderer
updateVisual (IRenderContext, Visual)in GeneralPathNodeStyleRenderer
createVisual (IRenderContext)in GraphOverviewSvgVisualCreator
getEdgeVisualCreator (IRenderContext, IEdge)in GraphOverviewSvgVisualCreatorObtains the IVisualCreator for the given edge.
getGroupNodeVisualCreator (IRenderContext, INode)in GraphOverviewSvgVisualCreatorObtains the IVisualCreator for the given group node.
getNodeVisualCreator (IRenderContext, INode)in GraphOverviewSvgVisualCreatorObtains the IVisualCreator for the given node.
updateVisual (IRenderContext, Visual)in GraphOverviewSvgVisualCreator
createVisual (IRenderContext)in GraphOverviewWebGLVisualCreator
updateVisual (IRenderContext, Visual)in GraphOverviewWebGLVisualCreator
createIconVisual (IRenderContext, boolean, Rect)in GroupNodeStyleRendererCreates the visual representation for the node's collapse/expand icon.
createVisual (IRenderContext)in GroupNodeStyleRenderer
updateIconVisual (IRenderContext, boolean, Rect, SVGGElement)in GroupNodeStyleRendererUpdates the visual representation for the node's collapse/expand icon previously created by createIconVisual.
updateVisual (IRenderContext, Visual)in GroupNodeStyleRenderer
createVisual (IRenderContext)in IconLabelStyleRenderer
updateVisual (IRenderContext, Visual)in IconLabelStyleRenderer
createVisual (IRenderContext)in ImageNodeStyleRenderer
updateVisual (IRenderContext, Visual)in ImageNodeStyleRenderer
createLayoutTransform (IRenderContext, IOrientedRectangle, boolean)in LabelStyleBaseCreates a transform matrix that can be applied to a Visual to arrange it according to the given layout and autoFlip rule.
createVisual (IRenderContext, ILabel)in LabelStyleBaseCreates the visual.
updateVisual (IRenderContext, TVisual, ILabel)in LabelStyleBaseUpdates the visual previously created by createVisual.
createVisual (IRenderContext, INode)in NodeStyleBaseCreates the visual representation for node.
updateVisual (IRenderContext, TVisual, INode)in NodeStyleBaseUpdates a visual representation for node previously created by createVisual.
createVisual (IRenderContext)in PanelNodeStyleRenderer
updateVisual (IRenderContext, Visual)in PanelNodeStyleRenderer
createVisual (IRenderContext)in PathBasedEdgeStyleRenderer
getObstacles (IRenderContext)in PathBasedEdgeStyleRendererReturns createPath unless isVisible yields false for the provided context and clip.
updateVisual (IRenderContext, Visual)in PathBasedEdgeStyleRenderer
createVisual (IRenderContext, IPort)in PortStyleBaseCreates the visual.
updateVisual (IRenderContext, TVisual, IPort)in PortStyleBaseUpdates the visual previously created by createVisual.
createVisual (IRenderContext)in RectangleNodeStyleRenderer
updateVisual (IRenderContext, Visual)in RectangleNodeStyleRenderer
createVisual (IRenderContext)in ShapeNodeStyleRenderer
updateVisual (IRenderContext, Visual)in ShapeNodeStyleRenderer
createVisual (IRenderContext)in ShinyPlateNodeStyleRenderer
updateVisual (IRenderContext, Visual)in ShinyPlateNodeStyleRenderer
createVisual (IRenderContext, IStripe)in StripeStyleBaseCreates the visual.
updateVisual (IRenderContext, TVisual, IStripe)in StripeStyleBaseUpdates the visual previously created by createVisual.
createVisual (IRenderContext)in TableNodeStyleRenderer
updateVisual (IRenderContext, Visual)in TableNodeStyleRenderer
createTemplate (IRenderContext, ILabel)in TemplateLabelStyleBaseFactory method that is called by the TemplateLabelStyleRenderer to create the visual that will be used for the display of the label.
getPreferredSize (IRenderContext, ILabel)in TemplateLabelStyleBaseDetermines the preferred size of the label if this style was applied.
createVisual (IRenderContext)in TemplateLabelStyleRendererCreates the visual by delegating to createTemplate and then initializing the control with the context.
getPreferredSizeCore (IRenderContext)in TemplateLabelStyleRendererGets the size of the preferred for the current configuration using the provided context.
getPreferredSizeWithContext (IRenderContext, ILabel, ILabelStyle)in TemplateLabelStyleRendererCalculates the preferred size for the given label and style.
updateVisual (IRenderContext, Visual)in TemplateLabelStyleRendererUpdates the visual correspondingly.
createTemplate (IRenderContext, INode)in TemplateNodeStyleBaseFactory method that is called by the TemplateNodeStyleRenderer to create the visual that will be used for the display of the node.
createVisual (IRenderContext)in TemplateNodeStyleRendererCreates the visual by delegating to createTemplate and then initializing the control with the context.
updateVisual (IRenderContext, Visual)in TemplateNodeStyleRendererUpdates the component correspondingly.
createTemplate (IRenderContext, IPort)in TemplatePortStyleBaseFactory method that is called by the TemplatePortStyleRenderer to create the visual that will be used for the display of the port.
createVisual (IRenderContext)in TemplatePortStyleRendererCreates the visual by delegating to createTemplate and then initializing the visual with the context.
updateVisual (IRenderContext, Visual)in TemplatePortStyleRendererUpdates the visual correspondingly.
createTemplate (IRenderContext, IStripe)in TemplateStripeStyleBaseFactory method that is called by the TemplateStripeStyleRenderer to create the visual that will be used for the display of the stripe.
createVisual (IRenderContext)in TemplateStripeStyleRendererCreates the visual by delegating to createTemplate and then initializing the control with the context.
updateVisual (IRenderContext, Visual)in TemplateStripeStyleRendererUpdates the component correspondingly.
addBridges (IRenderContext, GeneralPath, IBridgeCreator?)in BridgeManagerCore method that will add bridges to a GeneralPath using the IBridgeCreator callback to determine the type of the bridges.
getObstacleHash (IRenderContext)in BridgeManagerGets a hash code that describes the current state of the obstacles.
insertDefaultCustomBridge (IRenderContext, GeneralPath, Point, Point, number)in BridgeManagerImplementation that will be called by the default value of the defaultBridgeCreator to satisfy requests to createCustomBridge.
registerObstacle (IRenderContext, GeneralPath)in BridgeManagerDynamically registers an obstacle path with the context during the rendering.
registerObstacleCubicCurve (IRenderContext, Point, Point, Point, Point)in BridgeManagerDynamically registers a single obstacle cubic curve with the context during the rendering.
registerObstacleLine (IRenderContext, Point, Point)in BridgeManagerDynamically registers a single obstacle line with the context during the rendering.
registerObstacleQuadCurve (IRenderContext, Point, Point, Point)in BridgeManagerDynamically registers a single obstacle quadratic curve with the context during the rendering.
registerObstacles (IRenderContext)in BridgeManagerCalled to initialize the context with the obstacles.
exportContent (IRenderContext)in CanvasComponentExports the graphical content for this CanvasComponent.
createVisual (IRenderContext)in DefaultPortCandidateDescriptor
updateVisual (IRenderContext, Visual)in DefaultPortCandidateDescriptor
getGraph (IRenderContext)in GraphObstacleProviderHelper method that retrieves the IGraph to use from the context
getObstacles (IRenderContext)in GraphObstacleProviderIterates over all edges and nodes to query an IObstacleProvider from the IModelItem's lookup.
createVisual (IRenderContext)in GraphOverviewCanvasVisualCreator
paintEdge (IRenderContext, CanvasRenderingContext2D, IEdge)in GraphOverviewCanvasVisualCreatorCallback that paints the specified edge.
paintGroupNode (IRenderContext, CanvasRenderingContext2D, INode)in GraphOverviewCanvasVisualCreatorCallback method that paints the specified node.
paintNode (IRenderContext, CanvasRenderingContext2D, INode)in GraphOverviewCanvasVisualCreatorCallback method that paints the specified node.
updateVisual (IRenderContext, Visual)in GraphOverviewCanvasVisualCreator
createVisual (IRenderContext)in GridVisualCreator
updateVisual (IRenderContext, Visual)in GridVisualCreator
paint (IRenderContext, CanvasRenderingContext2D)in HtmlCanvasVisualPaints onto the context using HTML5 Canvas operations.
create ()in IBridgeCreatorCreates an implementation of the interface IBridgeCreator from the given definition.
createCustomBridge (IRenderContext, GeneralPath, Point, Point, number)in IBridgeCreatorCalled by the BridgeManager if the getCrossingStyle method yields CUSTOM to actually insert a bridge into the given GeneralPath.
getBridgeHeight (IRenderContext)in IBridgeCreatorGets the height of the bridge for the given IRenderContext.
getBridgeWidth (IRenderContext)in IBridgeCreatorGets the width of the bridge for the given IRenderContext.
getCrossingStyle (IRenderContext)in IBridgeCreatorGets the BridgeCrossingStyle to use in the given IRenderContext.
getOrientationStyle (IRenderContext)in IBridgeCreatorGets the BridgeOrientationStyle to use in the given IRenderContext.
create (function(IRenderContext):GeneralPath)in IObstacleProviderCreates an implementation of the interface IObstacleProvider by using the given function as implementation for its getObstacles method.
getObstacles (IRenderContext)in IObstacleProviderReturns a path representing obstacles that would need bridges.
registerForChildrenIfNecessary (TVisual, function(IRenderContext, TVisual, boolean):TVisual)in IRenderContextRegisters a visual if children have registered themselves for disposal.
setDisposeCallback (TVisual, function(IRenderContext, TVisual, boolean):TVisual)in IRenderContextRegisters a callback which will be called when the visual will be removed from the visual tree.
create ()in IVisualCreatorCreates an implementation of the interface IVisualCreator from the given definition.
createVisual (IRenderContext)in IVisualCreatorThis method is called by the framework to create a Visual that will be included into the IRenderContext.
updateVisual (IRenderContext, Visual)in IVisualCreatorThis method updates or replaces a previously created Visual for inclusion in the IRenderContext.
create ()in IVisualTemplateCreates an implementation of the interface IVisualTemplate from the given definition.
createVisual (IRenderContext, Rect, Object)in IVisualTemplateThis method is called by the framework to create a SvgVisual with the given bounds.
updateVisual (IRenderContext, SvgVisual, Rect, Object)in IVisualTemplateThis method updates or replaces a previously created SvgVisual to adjust to the changed bounds.
PrepareRenderContextEventArgs (IRenderContext)in PrepareRenderContextEventArgsInitializes a new instance of the PrepareRenderContextEventArgs class.
createVisual (IRenderContext)in VoidVisualCreatorReturns null.
updateVisual (IRenderContext, Visual)in VoidVisualCreatorReturns null.
createVisual (IRenderContext)in WebGL2GraphOverviewVisualCreator
updateVisual (IRenderContext, Visual)in WebGL2GraphOverviewVisualCreator
render (IRenderContext, WebGL2RenderingContext)in WebGL2VisualRenders into the context using WebGL2 operations.
render (IRenderContext, WebGLRenderingContext)in WebGLVisualRenders into the context using WebGL operations.