documentationfor yFiles for HTML 2.6

Implementing Types

IFoldingViewInterface that is used for manipulating a managed view of an IGraph that supports folding operations like expanding and collapsing of nodes.
LookupChainAn implementation of a chain of IContextLookupChainLinks.
UndoEngineThe main class to provide undo and redo functionality.
FutureA helper holder class that can contain a value of a specific type.
ITemplateStyleBindingContextExposes properties of a graph element to which a TemplateBinding can be bound.
TableNodeStyleAn INodeStyle for tables.
TemplateLabelStyleBaseBase class for label styles that use a SVG snippet as template for the visualization of ILabels.
TemplateNodeStyleBaseBase class for node styles that use a SVG snippet as template for the visualization of INodes.
TemplatePortStyleBaseBase class for port styles that use a SVG snippet as template for the visualization of IPorts.
TemplateStripeStyleBaseBase class for stripe styles that use a SVG snippet as template for the visualization of IStripes.
FocusIndicatorManagerA ModelManager<T> implementation that manages the visual decoration of the focused element in a canvas.