documentationfor yFiles for HTML 2.6

Usages of IPortOwner


sourcePortOwnerin EdgeEventArgsGets the owner of the source port the edge was connected to before the event happened.
targetPortOwnerin EdgeEventArgsGets the owner of the target port the edge was connected to before the event happened.
ownerin IPortGets the owner of this port.
ownerin PortEventArgsGets the owner the port the was connected to before the event happened.
ownerin SimplePortGets or sets the owner of this port.
ownerin DefaultPortCandidateGets or sets the owner of the port to be created.
ownerin IPortCandidateGets the possible owner of the port to be created for this candidate.
transformedPortOwnersin OrthogonalEdgeEditingContextGets the enumeration of IPortOwner instances that are being transformed during the edit.
isValidPortOwnerPredicatein PortDropInputModeGets or sets the callback for testing whether an existing port owner in the graph can be used as owner for the currently dragged port.


portOwnerin PortsHandleProviderThe owner of the ports.

Method Return Values

getTargetPortOwner (IPort)in GraphClipboardProvides an IPortOwner where the given clipboardPort can be added to.
opposite (IPortOwner)in IEdgeGets the opposite port owner of an IEdge.
getPortOwner (Point)in CreateEdgeInputModeRetrieves the port owner at a given position in world coordinates.
getPortOwners ()in CreateEdgeInputModeRetrieves the port owners from the graph in the order of their importance.
getSource (Point)in CreateEdgeInputModeFinds the source port owner at the specified location.
getTarget (Point)in CreateEdgeInputModeFinds the target port owner at the specified location.
getCurrentOwner (IInputModeContext, Point)in PortRelocationHandleGets the IPortOwner at the given location.

Method Parameters

createParameter (IPortOwner, Point)in BendAnchoredPortLocationModel
addPort (IPortOwner, IPortLocationModelParameter?, IPortStyle?, Object?)in DefaultGraphAdd a port to the given port owner using the coordinates as the new initial position of the port anchor.
edgesAt (IPortOwner, AdjacencyTypes?)in DefaultGraph
getNewSourcePort (IPortOwner)in DefaultGraphDetermines a IPort instance to use for the creation of a new edge that starts at the given IPortOwner.
getNewTargetPort (IPortOwner)in DefaultGraphDetermines a IPort instance to use for the creation of a new edge that ends at the given IPortOwner.
onAddingPort (IPortOwner, IPort)in DefaultGraphCalled when a port is going to be added to a node.
onPortRemoved (IPortOwner, IPort)in DefaultGraphCalled just after a port has been removed from its owner.
EdgeEventArgs (IEdge, IPort?, IPort?, IPortOwner?, IPortOwner?)in EdgeEventArgsInitializes a new instance of the EdgeEventArgs class.
createParameter (IPortOwner, Point)in EdgePathPortLocationModel
edgesAt (IPortOwner, AdjacencyTypes?)in FilteredGraphWrapper
createParameter (IPortOwner, Point)in FreeNodePortLocationModel
createParameter (IPortOwner, Point)in GenericPortLocationModelFactory method that creates a parameter for the given owner that tries to match the provided location in absolute world coordinates.
getPortLocationParameter (GraphCopier, IGraph, IPort, IPortOwner)in GraphClipboardGets a IPortLocationModelParameter for the given originalPort to be placed at the given newOwner.
addPort (IGraph, IGraph, IPortOwner, IPort)in GraphCopierAdds a port to the targetPortOwner in the targetGraph as a copy of the source port.
addPort (IPortOwner, IPortLocationModelParameter?, IPortStyle?, Object?)in GraphWrapperBase
edgesAt (IPortOwner, AdjacencyTypes?)in GraphWrapperBase
opposite (IPortOwner)in IEdgeGets the opposite port owner of an IEdge.
addPort (IPortOwner, IPortLocationModelParameter?, IPortStyle?, Object?)in IGraphAdd a port to the given port owner using the location model parameter, style and tag.
addPortAt (IPortOwner, Point, IPortStyle?, Object?)in IGraphAdd a port to the given port owner using the absolute coordinates as the new initial position of the port anchor.
createDefaultPortLocationParameter (IPortOwner, Point?)in IGraphCreates a location model parameter for a newly created IPort at the owner that matches the location.
degree (IPortOwner)in IGraphCalculates the number of edges at the given IPortOwner for this graph.
edgesAt (IPortOwner, AdjacencyTypes?)in IGraphReturns an IListEnumerable<T> for all edges that have the given port owner as their target port's or source port's owner depending on the AdjacencyTypes
getEdge (IPortOwner, IPortOwner)in IGraphFinds an edge that connects from and to in the given graph.
getPortDefaults (IPortOwner)in IGraphGets the port defaults for a given IPortOwner in the context of the graph.
inDegree (IPortOwner)in IGraphCalculates the number of incoming edges at the given IPortOwner for this graph.
inEdgesAt (IPortOwner)in IGraphConvenience method that yields the incoming edges at the given owner.
outDegree (IPortOwner)in IGraphCalculates the number of outgoing edges at the given IPortOwner for this graph.
outEdgesAt (IPortOwner)in IGraphConvenience method that yields the outgoing edges at the given owner.
getLocationParameterInstance (IPortOwner)in IPortDefaultsFactory method that returns a location model parameter instance for use with newly created ports.
getStyleInstance (IPortOwner)in IPortDefaultsFactory method that returns a style instance for use with newly created ports.
createParameter (IPortOwner, Point)in IPortLocationModelFactory method that creates a parameter for the given owner that tries to match the provided location in absolute world coordinates.
supports (IPortOwner)in IPortLocationModelParameterDetermines whether this parameter can be used for ports at the given owner.
getLocationParameterInstance (IPortOwner)in PortDefaults
getStyleInstance (IPortOwner)in PortDefaults
PortEventArgs (IPort, IPortOwner)in PortEventArgsInitializes a new instance of the PortEventArgs class.
createParameter (IPortOwner, Point)in SegmentRatioPortLocationModel
SimplePort (IPortOwner?, IPortLocationModelParameter?, )in SimplePortCreates a port with a default lookup using the given location and owner.
addPort (IParseContext, IPortOwner)in IGraphElementFactoryAdds a new port to the given IPortOwner.
create ()in IGraphElementFactoryCreates an implementation of the interface IGraphElementFactory from the given definition.
lookupSourcePortCandidateProvider (IPortOwner)in CreateEdgeInputModeRetrieves the port candidate provider instance given a source port owner.
lookupTargetPortCandidateProvider (IPortCandidate, IPortOwner, Point)in CreateEdgeInputModeRetrieves the port candidate provider instance given a source port candidate and a possible target item.
DefaultPortCandidate (IPortOwner, IPortLocationModel)in DefaultPortCandidateCreates a candidate for the given owner that uses the graph's defaults for the port's style and a default parameter for the given model.
DefaultPortCandidate (IPortOwner, IPortLocationModelParameter?, PortCandidateValidity?)in DefaultPortCandidateCreates a candidate for the given owner that uses the graph's defaults for the port's style and the given locationParameter.
fromExistingPorts (IPortOwner)in IPortCandidateProviderCreates an implementation of the IPortCandidateProvider interface that returns the ports that exist in the given ports's IPortOwner collection.
fromPortDefaults (IPortOwner)in IPortCandidateProviderCreates an implementation of an IPortCandidateProvider that always returns a candidate that uses the default locationParameter for the corresponding IPortDefaults.
fromShapeGeometry (IPortOwner, number)in IPortCandidateProviderCreates an implementation of IPortCandidateProvider that works for IPortOwner implementations that have IShapeGeometry instances in their lookup.
fromShapeGeometry (IPortOwner, boolean, number, number)in IPortCandidateProviderCreates an implementation of IPortCandidateProvider that works for IPortOwner implementations that have IShapeGeometry instances in their lookup.
fromUnoccupiedPorts (IPortOwner)in IPortCandidateProviderCreates an implementation of an IPortCandidateProvider that returns unoccupied ports at a given entity.
addTransformedPortOwner (IPortOwner)in OrthogonalEdgeEditingContextAdds an IPortOwner that is being transformed somehow during the edit so that the attached ports will be moved in an irregular (non-linear) way.
createOrthogonalEdgeDragHandler (IInputModeContext, IPortOwner, boolean)in OrthogonalEdgeEditingContextCreates an OrthogonalEdgeDragHandler that keeps the orthogonal edges attached to portOwner orthogonal while the port owner is moved or reshaped interactively.
addExistingPorts (IPortOwner, IList<IPortCandidate>)in PortCandidateProviderBaseAdds candidates for all existing ports of the owner to the provided list.
createCandidate (IPortOwner, IPortLocationModelParameter, boolean?)in PortCandidateProviderBaseFactory method that creates a candidate that will use the createInstance method of this instance to delegate createPort queries to.
PortDropInputMode (string, )in PortDropInputModeConstructs a new instance of class DropInputMode for the expected data type.
PortDropInputMode (string, )in PortDropInputModeConstructs a new instance of class DropInputMode for the expected data type.
PortDropInputMode ()in PortDropInputModeConstructs a new instance of class PortDropInputMode for the type IPort.
createPort (IInputModeContext, IGraph, IPort, IPortOwner, IPortLocationModelParameter)in PortDropInputModeCreates the port in the graph after it's been dropped.
getNewPortLocationModelParameter (IPortOwner, IPort, Point)in PortDropInputModeDetermine the IPortLocationModelParameter the port should have if it were dropped at dragLocation over owner.
isValidPortOwner (IPortOwner, IPort)in PortDropInputModeDefault backing method for isValidPortOwnerPredicate
PortsHandleProvider (IPortOwner)in PortsHandleProviderCreates an instance using the given owner as the provider for the ports.

Implementing Types

IEdgeThe interface used to model edges in an IGraph implementation.
INodeThe interface for node entities in an IGraph.