documentationfor yFiles for HTML 2.6


portLocationParameterin DefaultFolderNodeConverterGets or sets the IPortLocationModelParameter to use for the ports at the collapsed group node that represent the ports of the master group node in the collapsed state.
sourcePortLocationParameterin FoldingEdgeConverterBaseGets or sets the IPortLocationModelParameter to use for the source port of the folding edge.
targetPortLocationParameterin FoldingEdgeConverterBaseGets or sets the IPortLocationModelParameter to use for the target port of the folding edge.
locationParameterin FoldingPortStateGets or sets the IPortLocationModelParameter describing the position of this port.
locationParametersin GenericPortLocationModelGets all parameters that are associated with this instance.
locationParameterin IPortGets the IPortLocationModelParameter that is used to determine the location of this port.
locationParameterin IPortDefaultsGets or sets the location model parameter to use for ports.
locationParameterin PortDefaults
locationParameterin SimplePortGets or sets the IPortLocationModelParameter that is used to determine the location of this port.
locationParameterin DefaultPortCandidateGets or sets the model parameter that will be used for the locationParameter if this candidate is chosen.
locationParameterin IPortCandidateGets the model parameter that will be used for the locationParameter if this candidate is chosen.
portEndParameterin LayoutExecutorAsyncGets a mapping from ports in the graph to their new location parameters, after the results are in.


FIRST_BENDin BendAnchoredPortLocationModelA parameter that is bound to the first IBend of the edge.
LAST_BENDin BendAnchoredPortLocationModelA parameter that is bound to the last IBend of the edge.
NODE_BOTTOM_ANCHOREDin FreeNodePortLocationModelA read only immutable singleton instance of a parameter that locates the port at the center of the bottom border of the node layout.
NODE_BOTTOM_LEFT_ANCHOREDin FreeNodePortLocationModelA read only immutable singleton instance of a parameter that locates the port at the bottom left corner of the node layout.
NODE_BOTTOM_RIGHT_ANCHOREDin FreeNodePortLocationModelA read only immutable singleton instance of a parameter that locates the port at the bottom right corner of the node layout.
NODE_CENTER_ANCHOREDin FreeNodePortLocationModelA read only immutable singleton instance of a parameter that locates the port at the center of the node layout.
NODE_LEFT_ANCHOREDin FreeNodePortLocationModelA read only immutable singleton instance of a parameter that locates the port at the center of the left border of the node layout.
NODE_RIGHT_ANCHOREDin FreeNodePortLocationModelA read only immutable singleton instance of a parameter that locates the port at the center of the right border of the node layout.
NODE_TOP_ANCHOREDin FreeNodePortLocationModelA read only immutable singleton instance of a parameter that locates the port at the center of the top border of the node layout.
NODE_TOP_LEFT_ANCHOREDin FreeNodePortLocationModelA read only immutable singleton instance of a parameter that locates the port at the top left corner of the node layout.
NODE_TOP_RIGHT_ANCHOREDin FreeNodePortLocationModelA read only immutable singleton instance of a parameter that locates the port at the top right corner of the node layout.

Method Return Values

createFromSource (number)in BendAnchoredPortLocationModelCreates a parameter that indicates the location of the bend with index bendIndex starting from the source side.
createFromTarget (number)in BendAnchoredPortLocationModelCreates a parameter that indicates the location of the bend with index bendIndex starting from the target side.
createParameter (IPortOwner, Point)in BendAnchoredPortLocationModel
createPortLocationParameter (IFoldingView, IPort, IPort)in DefaultFolderNodeConverterCreates the IPortLocationModelParameter for use in initializeFolderNodePorts.
createParameter (IPortOwner, Point)in EdgePathPortLocationModel
createRatioParameter (number?)in EdgePathPortLocationModelCreates a parameter at the provided edge path ratio.
createSourcePortLocationParameter (IFoldingView, IEdge, IList<IEdge>)in FoldingEdgeConverterBaseCreates the IPortLocationModelParameter of the source port for use in initializeFoldingEdgePorts.
createTargetPortLocationParameter (IFoldingView, IEdge, IList<IEdge>)in FoldingEdgeConverterBaseCreates the IPortLocationModelParameter of the target port for use in initializeFoldingEdgePorts.
createParameter (IPortOwner, Point)in FreeNodePortLocationModel
createParameterForRatios (Point, Point?)in FreeNodePortLocationModelCreates a parameter that uses the given ratios and offsets.
addParameter (IPortLocationModelParameter)in GenericPortLocationModelAdds the given parameter to the locationParameters of this instance.
createParameter (IPortOwner, Point)in GenericPortLocationModelFactory method that creates a parameter for the given owner that tries to match the provided location in absolute world coordinates.
getEnumerator ()in GenericPortLocationModel
getPortLocationParameter (GraphCopier, IGraph, IPort, IPortOwner)in GraphClipboardGets a IPortLocationModelParameter for the given originalPort to be placed at the given newOwner.
copyPortLocationParameter (IGraph, IPort)in GraphCopierCopies a IPortLocationModelParameter for a given port.
createDefaultPortLocationParameter (IPortOwner, Point?)in IGraphCreates a location model parameter for a newly created IPort at the owner that matches the location.
getLocationParameterInstance (IPortOwner)in IPortDefaultsFactory method that returns a location model parameter instance for use with newly created ports.
createParameter (IPortOwner, Point)in IPortLocationModelFactory method that creates a parameter for the given owner that tries to match the provided location in absolute world coordinates.
deserializeParameter (Object)in IPortLocationModelParameterDeserializes a JavaScript object which has been created by serializeParameter.
getLocationParameterInstance (IPortOwner)in PortDefaults
createFromSource (number, number)in SegmentRatioPortLocationModelCreates the a new parameter for the specified segment index and ratio.
createFromTarget (number, number)in SegmentRatioPortLocationModelCreates the a new parameter for the specified segment index counted from the target end of the edge and the provided ratio.
createParameter (IPortOwner, Point)in SegmentRatioPortLocationModel
getNewPortLocationModelParameter (IPortOwner, IPort, Point)in PortDropInputModeDetermine the IPortLocationModelParameter the port should have if it were dropped at dragLocation over owner.
getNewParameter (IPort, IPortLocationModel, Point)in PortLocationModelParameterHandleObtains the new parameter for the given location and port.

Method Parameters

getContext (IPort, IPortLocationModelParameter)in BendAnchoredPortLocationModel
getLocation (IPort, IPortLocationModelParameter)in BendAnchoredPortLocationModel
DefaultFolderNodeConverter ()in DefaultFolderNodeConverterInitializes a new instance of this class with default values.
DefaultFoldingEdgeConverter ()in DefaultFoldingEdgeConverterInitializes a new instance of this class with default values.
addPort (IPortOwner, IPortLocationModelParameter?, IPortStyle?, Object?)in DefaultGraphAdd a port to the given port owner using the coordinates as the new initial position of the port anchor.
createUndoUnitForLocationParameterChange (IPort, IPortLocationModelParameter)in DefaultGraphCreates the undo unit for changing the location parameter of the given port.
onChangingPortLocationModelParameter (IPort, IPortLocationModelParameter)in DefaultGraphCalled before the locationParameter of a port is being changed.
onPortLocationParameterChanged (IPort, IPortLocationModelParameter)in DefaultGraphCalled after a port location model parameter has changed.
setPortLocationParameter (IPort, IPortLocationModelParameter)in DefaultGraph
getContext (IPort, IPortLocationModelParameter)in EdgePathPortLocationModel
getLocation (IPort, IPortLocationModelParameter)in EdgePathPortLocationModel
getContext (IPort, IPortLocationModelParameter)in FreeNodePortLocationModel
getLocation (IPort, IPortLocationModelParameter)in FreeNodePortLocationModel
add (IPortLocationModelParameter)in GenericPortLocationModelThis method simply delegates to addParameter.
addParameter (IPortLocationModelParameter)in GenericPortLocationModelAdds the given parameter to the locationParameters of this instance.
getContext (IPort, IPortLocationModelParameter)in GenericPortLocationModel
getLocation (IPort, IPortLocationModelParameter)in GenericPortLocationModel
addPort (IPortOwner, IPortLocationModelParameter?, IPortStyle?, Object?)in GraphWrapperBase
onPortLocationParameterChanged (ItemChangedEventArgs<IPort,IPortLocationModelParameter>)in GraphWrapperBaseRaises the PortLocationParameterChanged event
setPortLocationParameter (IPort, IPortLocationModelParameter)in GraphWrapperBase
addPort (IPortOwner, IPortLocationModelParameter?, IPortStyle?, Object?)in IGraphAdd a port to the given port owner using the location model parameter, style and tag.
createEdge (IPort, IPort, IEdgeStyle?, Object?, )in IGraphCreates and returns an edge that connects to the given port instances.
createEdge (INode, INode, IEdgeStyle?, Object?, )in IGraphCreates and returns an edge that connects to the given node instances using the given style instance.
createGroupNode (INode?, Rect?, INodeStyle?, Object?, )in IGraphCreates a new group node using the provided style and layout as a child of parent.
createNode (Rect, INodeStyle?, Object?, )in IGraphCreates and returns a node using the specified values for the initial geometry, style, and tag.
createNode (INode?, Rect?, INodeStyle?, Object?, )in IGraphCreates a new ordinary node as a direct descendant of parent using the given layout and style.
createNodeAt (Point, INodeStyle?, Object?, )in IGraphCreates and returns a node using the specified initial center location and style, as well as the tag.
groupNodes (IEnumerable<INode>, )in IGraphGroups the nodes in children into a newly created group node.
setPortLocationParameter (IPort, IPortLocationModelParameter)in IGraphSets a new IPortLocationModelParameter for the given port.
getContext (IPort, IPortLocationModelParameter)in IPortLocationModelProvides a lookup context for the given combination of port and parameter.
getLocation (IPort, IPortLocationModelParameter)in IPortLocationModelDetermines the location of the port for the given parameter.
serializeParameter (IPortLocationModelParameter)in IPortLocationModelParameterSerializes the given IPortLocationModelParameter into a JavaScript object from which the parameter can be restored.
MergingFoldingEdgeConverter ()in MergingFoldingEdgeConverterInitializes a new instance of the MergingFoldingEdgeConverter class.
PortDefaults ()in PortDefaultsInitializes a new instance of the PortDefaults class using a trivial location model parameter.
getContext (IPort, IPortLocationModelParameter)in SegmentRatioPortLocationModel
getLocation (IPort, IPortLocationModelParameter)in SegmentRatioPortLocationModel
SimplePort (IPortOwner?, IPortLocationModelParameter?, )in SimplePortCreates a port with a default lookup using the given location and owner.
DefaultPortCandidate (IPortOwner, IPortLocationModelParameter?, PortCandidateValidity?)in DefaultPortCandidateCreates a candidate for the given owner that uses the graph's defaults for the port's style and the given locationParameter.
createInstance (IInputModeContext, IGraph, IPortLocationModelParameter, IPortStyle, Object)in DefaultPortCandidateActually creates the IPort instance.
createCandidate (IPortOwner, IPortLocationModelParameter, boolean?)in PortCandidateProviderBaseFactory method that creates a candidate that will use the createInstance method of this instance to delegate createPort queries to.
createPort (IInputModeContext, IGraph, IPort, IPortOwner, IPortLocationModelParameter)in PortDropInputModeCreates the port in the graph after it's been dropped.
setParameter (IGraph, IPort, IPortLocationModelParameter)in PortLocationModelParameterHandleApplies the parameter.
createGraphAnimation (IGraph, IMapper<INode,IRectangle>?, IMapper<IEdge,yfiles.geometry.IPoint[]>?, IMapper<IPort,IPortLocationModelParameter>?, IMapper<ILabel,ILabelModelParameter>?, TimeSpan?)in IAnimationCreates a new IAnimation that animates the given layout of all types of graph items.
createPortAnimation (IGraph, IPort, IPortLocationModelParameter, TimeSpan)in IAnimationCreates a new IAnimation that animates the given port from its current location to the new location given by the targetLocationParameter.

Implementing Types

GenericPortLocationModelAn implementation of IPortLocationModel that can be used to create custom port location models out of existing IPortLocationModelParameter instances.