documentationfor yFiles for HTML 2.6


modelin IPortLocationModelParameterGets the model that created this parameter.
modelin DefaultPortCandidateGets or sets the model that will be used by this instance to determine the new locationParameter if the getPortCandidateAt is called and the validity is set to DYNAMIC.

Method Parameters

DefaultPortCandidate (IPortOwner, IPortLocationModel)in DefaultPortCandidateCreates a candidate for the given owner that uses the graph's defaults for the port's style and a default parameter for the given model.
getNewParameter (IPort, IPortLocationModel, Point)in PortLocationModelParameterHandleObtains the new parameter for the given location and port.

Implementing Types

BendAnchoredPortLocationModelAn implementation of the IPortLocationModel that can create IPortLocationModelParameters that describe the location of ports that are attached to the bends of IEdges.
EdgePathPortLocationModelA port location model that places the port on the edge path at a specified ratio.
FreeNodePortLocationModelA straightforward implementation of an IPortLocationModel for IPorts at INodes that determine the location dynamically using the layout.
GenericPortLocationModelAn implementation of IPortLocationModel that can be used to create custom port location models out of existing IPortLocationModelParameter instances.
SegmentRatioPortLocationModelA port location model that places the port on a certain edge segment at a specified ratio.