documentationfor yFiles for HTML 2.6


portCandidateProviderDecoratorin EdgeDecoratorGets a LookupDecorator<TDecoratedType,TInterface> that decorates the IPortCandidateProvider type for IEdges this instance has been created for.
portCandidateProviderDecoratorin NodeDecoratorGets a LookupDecorator<TDecoratedType,TInterface> that decorates the IPortCandidateProvider type for the INodes this instance has been created for.


NO_CANDIDATESin IPortCandidateProviderA generic implementation of the IPortCandidateProvider interface that provides no candidates.

Method Return Values

getSourcePortCandidateProvider (Point)in CreateEdgeInputModeFinds the source port candidate provider at the specified location.
getTargetPortCandidateProvider (IPortCandidate, Point)in CreateEdgeInputModeRetrieves the IPortCandidateProvider instance that provides the possible candidates for the target of the edge given the current source candidate.
lookupSourcePortCandidateProvider (IPortOwner)in CreateEdgeInputModeRetrieves the port candidate provider instance given a source port owner.
lookupTargetPortCandidateProvider (IPortCandidate, IPortOwner, Point)in CreateEdgeInputModeRetrieves the port candidate provider instance given a source port candidate and a possible target item.
combine (IEnumerable<IPortCandidateProvider>)in IPortCandidateProviderCreates a generic composite implementation for the IPortCandidateProvider interface.
combine (IPortCandidateProvider)in IPortCandidateProviderCreates a generic composite implementation for the IPortCandidateProvider interface.
create ()in IPortCandidateProviderCreates an implementation of the interface IPortCandidateProvider from the given definition.
fromExistingPorts (IPortOwner)in IPortCandidateProviderCreates an implementation of the IPortCandidateProvider interface that returns the ports that exist in the given ports's IPortOwner collection.
fromPortDefaults (IPortOwner)in IPortCandidateProviderCreates an implementation of an IPortCandidateProvider that always returns a candidate that uses the default locationParameter for the corresponding IPortDefaults.
fromUnoccupiedPorts (IPortOwner)in IPortCandidateProviderCreates an implementation of an IPortCandidateProvider that returns unoccupied ports at a given entity.

Method Parameters

combine (IEnumerable<IPortCandidateProvider>)in IPortCandidateProviderCreates a generic composite implementation for the IPortCandidateProvider interface.
combine (IPortCandidateProvider)in IPortCandidateProviderCreates a generic composite implementation for the IPortCandidateProvider interface.

Implementing Types

PortCandidateProviderBaseAn abstract base implementation of the IPortCandidateProvider interface.