documentationfor yFiles for HTML 2.6

Usages of IPortCandidate


edgeCreatorin CreateEdgeInputModeGets or sets the ports based edge creation callback.
sourcePortCandidatein CreateEdgeInputModeGets or sets the candidate for the sourcePort of the edge to be created.
targetPortCandidatein CreateEdgeInputModeGets or sets the current candidate for the targetPort of the edge to be created.

Method Return Values

getClosestCandidate (IEnumerable<IPortCandidate>, Point)in CreateEdgeInputModeFinds the closest VALID candidate given a number of IPortCandidates and a location in world coordinates.
getClosestSourceCandidate (IEnumerable<IPortCandidate>, Point)in CreateEdgeInputModeFinds the closest candidate given a number of IPortCandidates and a location in world coordinates.
getClosestTargetCandidate (IEnumerable<IPortCandidate>, Point)in CreateEdgeInputModeFinds the closest target candidate given a number of IPortCandidates and a location in world coordinates.
getSourcePortCandidate (IEnumerable<IPortCandidate>, Point, boolean)in CreateEdgeInputModeFinds the best matching source port IPortCandidate for the given candidates at the provided location.
getSourcePortCandidates (Point)in CreateEdgeInputModeGets the source port candidates for the given location.
getTargetPortCandidates (Point, boolean)in CreateEdgeInputModeRetrieves the target port candidates for a given location in world coordinates.
resolveCandidates (IEnumerable<IPortCandidate>, Point)in CreateEdgeInputModeReturns an enumerable over the given candidates where no instance has DYNAMIC validity.
getPortCandidateAt (IInputModeContext, Point)in DefaultPortCandidateReturns a candidate that is derived from this instance that best fits the provided location.
getSourcePortCandidates (IInputModeContext)in IEdgeReconnectionPortCandidateProviderReturns all source port candidates that may be used for the edge.
getTargetPortCandidates (IInputModeContext)in IEdgeReconnectionPortCandidateProviderReturns all source port candidates that may be used for the edge.
getPortCandidateAt (IInputModeContext, Point)in IPortCandidateReturns a candidate that is derived from this instance that best fits the provided location.
getAllSourcePortCandidates (IInputModeContext)in IPortCandidateProviderReturns all source port candidates that belong to the context of this provider.
getAllTargetPortCandidates (IInputModeContext)in IPortCandidateProviderReturns all target port candidates that belong to the context of this provider.
getSourcePortCandidates (IInputModeContext, IPortCandidate)in IPortCandidateProviderReturns all port candidates that apply for the provided opposite port candidate.
getTargetPortCandidates (IInputModeContext, IPortCandidate)in IPortCandidateProviderReturns all port candidates that apply for the provided opposite port candidate.
getAllSourcePortCandidates (IInputModeContext)in PortCandidateProviderBaseReturns all source port candidates that belong to the context of this provider.
getAllTargetPortCandidates (IInputModeContext)in PortCandidateProviderBaseReturns all target port candidates that belong to the context of this provider.
getPortCandidateAt (IInputModeContext, DefaultPortCandidate, Point)in PortCandidateProviderBaseCallback method used by the ports created using the factory methods createCandidate.
getPortCandidates (IInputModeContext)in PortCandidateProviderBaseCreates an enumeration of possibly port candidates.
getSourcePortCandidates (IInputModeContext, IPortCandidate)in PortCandidateProviderBaseReturns all port candidates that apply for the provided opposite port candidate.
getTargetPortCandidates (IInputModeContext, IPortCandidate)in PortCandidateProviderBaseReturns all port candidates that apply for the provided opposite port candidate.
createExistingPortCandidate (IPort)in PortRelocationHandleFactory method that creates the candidate for the existing port.
filterCandidates (IInputModeContext, Point, IEnumerable<IPortCandidate>)in PortRelocationHandleFilters the given allCandidates to return the subset of candidates which are relevant at the given location.
getClosestCandidate (IInputModeContext, Point, IEnumerable<IPortCandidate>)in PortRelocationHandleFinds the closest candidate from the given set of candidates.
getPortCandidates (IInputModeContext, IEdge, boolean)in PortRelocationHandleGets the possible candidates for the given edge.
getPortCandidatesDuringMove (IInputModeContext, IEdge, boolean)in PortRelocationHandleRetrieves the port candidates during handleMove.
resolveCandidate (IInputModeContext, IPortCandidate, Point)in PortRelocationHandleTries to resolve a dynamic port candidate for the given location.

Method Parameters

CreateEdgeInputMode ()in CreateEdgeInputModeCreates a new instance that will use the IGraph from the inputModeContext to create edges in.
createEdge (IGraph, IPortCandidate, IPortCandidate)in CreateEdgeInputModeCalled at the end of the edge creation process if both sourcePortCandidate and targetPortCandidate have been set.
doStartEdgeCreation (IPortCandidate, IPoint?)in CreateEdgeInputModeSynthetically starts the interactive edge creation process using the provided IPortCandidate as the source port.
getClosestCandidate (IEnumerable<IPortCandidate>, Point)in CreateEdgeInputModeFinds the closest VALID candidate given a number of IPortCandidates and a location in world coordinates.
getClosestSourceCandidate (IEnumerable<IPortCandidate>, Point)in CreateEdgeInputModeFinds the closest candidate given a number of IPortCandidates and a location in world coordinates.
getClosestTargetCandidate (IEnumerable<IPortCandidate>, Point)in CreateEdgeInputModeFinds the closest target candidate given a number of IPortCandidates and a location in world coordinates.
getSourcePortCandidate (IEnumerable<IPortCandidate>, Point, boolean)in CreateEdgeInputModeFinds the best matching source port IPortCandidate for the given candidates at the provided location.
getTargetPortCandidateProvider (IPortCandidate, Point)in CreateEdgeInputModeRetrieves the IPortCandidateProvider instance that provides the possible candidates for the target of the edge given the current source candidate.
lookupTargetPortCandidateProvider (IPortCandidate, IPortOwner, Point)in CreateEdgeInputModeRetrieves the port candidate provider instance given a source port candidate and a possible target item.
measureDistance (IPortCandidate, Point)in CreateEdgeInputModeMeasures the distance between a port candidate and a given location.
onSourcePortCandidateChanged (ItemEventArgs<IPortCandidate>)in CreateEdgeInputModeTriggers the SourcePortCandidateChanged event.
onTargetPortCandidateChanged (ItemEventArgs<IPortCandidate>)in CreateEdgeInputModeTriggers the TargetPortCandidateChanged event.
resolveCandidates (IEnumerable<IPortCandidate>, Point)in CreateEdgeInputModeReturns an enumerable over the given candidates where no instance has DYNAMIC validity.
updateDummyEdgeSourcePort (IPortCandidate)in CreateEdgeInputModeUpdates the dummyEdge to reflect the current source port candidate.
updateDummyEdgeTargetPort (IPortCandidate)in CreateEdgeInputModeUpdates the dummyEdge to reflect the current target port candidate.
updateTargetHighlight (IPortCandidate, IPortCandidate)in CreateEdgeInputModeDraws the highlight for the owner of the current targetPortCandidate.
create ()in IPortCandidateProviderCreates an implementation of the interface IPortCandidateProvider from the given definition.
fromCandidates (IPortCandidate)in IPortCandidateProviderCreates an implementation of an IPortCandidateProvider that provides only the given port candidates.
fromCandidates (IEnumerable<IPortCandidate>)in IPortCandidateProviderCreates an implementation of an IPortCandidateProvider that provides only the given port candidates.
getSourcePortCandidates (IInputModeContext, IPortCandidate)in IPortCandidateProviderReturns all port candidates that apply for the provided opposite port candidate.
getTargetPortCandidates (IInputModeContext, IPortCandidate)in IPortCandidateProviderReturns all port candidates that apply for the provided opposite port candidate.
addExistingPorts (IPortOwner, IList<IPortCandidate>)in PortCandidateProviderBaseAdds candidates for all existing ports of the owner to the provided list.
getSourcePortCandidates (IInputModeContext, IPortCandidate)in PortCandidateProviderBaseReturns all port candidates that apply for the provided opposite port candidate.
getTargetPortCandidates (IInputModeContext, IPortCandidate)in PortCandidateProviderBaseReturns all port candidates that apply for the provided opposite port candidate.
filterCandidates (IInputModeContext, Point, IEnumerable<IPortCandidate>)in PortRelocationHandleFilters the given allCandidates to return the subset of candidates which are relevant at the given location.
getClosestCandidate (IInputModeContext, Point, IEnumerable<IPortCandidate>)in PortRelocationHandleFinds the closest candidate from the given set of candidates.
getPort (IInputModeContext, IPortCandidate, Point)in PortRelocationHandleCalled during dragFinished to actually get the new port from the chosen candidate.
resolveCandidate (IInputModeContext, IPortCandidate, Point)in PortRelocationHandleTries to resolve a dynamic port candidate for the given location.
setClosestCandidate (IPortCandidate)in PortRelocationHandleUpdates the closest candidate for visual feedback.
setPort (IInputModeContext, IEdge, boolean, IPortCandidate, Point)in PortRelocationHandleTriggered by dragFinished to actually change the port.
setToPortCandidate (SimpleEdge, boolean, IPortCandidate)in PortRelocationHandleUpdates the dummy edge's visual appearance to reflect the new port candidate.
updateHighlight (IPortCandidate, IPortCandidate)in PortRelocationHandleDraws the highlight for the owner of the current port candidate.

Implementing Types

DefaultPortCandidateAn IPortCandidate implementation which can be used for candidates at existing ports as well as for candidates at a given location.